Who Are Good Candidates for Dental Implants?

When it comes to replacing missing teeth, it’s essential to understand the criteria that must be met to receive dental implants. Dental implants have revolutionized the field of restorative oral surgery, offering a reliable and long-lasting solution for replacing missing teeth. To ensure a successful implantation process, it’s important to consider the qualities that make an individual an ideal candidate. 


The Oral and Facial Surgery Institute is dedicated to providing transparent, effective care. Learn more about our services on our website or contact us today! 


Understanding Dental Implants


Dental implants go beyond cosmetic enhancements; they provide a functional and durable alternative to dentures or other replacement options. Composed of titanium posts and custom-made crowns, implants mimic the natural structure of teeth, offering benefits that extend beyond aesthetics. 


General Criteria for Dental Implants


Achieving success with dental implants requires a foundation of good oral heath and overall health. Healthy gums, sufficient bone density, and consideration of medical history are essential factors in determining candidacy. 


Specific Qualities of Good Candidates 


Age, commitment to oral hygiene, and psychological factors play crucial roles in identifying suitable candidates for dental implants. Even though you can’t technically be too old for dental implants, there are several age-related health factors that rule out candidacy for dental implants, including deteriorated bone density or significant gum recession


Health Conditions and Dental Implants 


Certain systemic health conditions and medications may influence candidacy. Specific conditions like diabetes and heart disease may contribute to adverse side effects or cause your body to reject the implant. Medications related to these conditions can also be a concern, specifically if you take insulin to regulate your blood sugar. 


Assessing Bone Density


Understanding the importance of sufficient bone density is vital in determining the success of dental implants. Dr. Davis will examine your bone density using X-rays, CT scans, and other imaging techniques. For an evaluation, schedule an appointment by contacting our office. 


Dental Implant Consultation Process


Schedule a Consultation: Visit our website or call our office to schedule a comprehensive consultation with Dr. Davis. 


Evaluation: Dr. Davis will use technology and other techniques to determine your candidacy for dental implants. Be sure to ask all of your questions. Our staff is happy to help you understand your condition and the impending procedure. 


Procedure: Before your appointment, check out our “New Patients” tab on our website to prepare for your upcoming surgery. 


Potential Challenges and Considerations 


While dental implants boast high success rates, it’s essential to acknowledge potential complications and risks. In some cases, dental implants may be rejected by the body. There is also potential for infection if the patient is not cared for properly following the procedure. Be sure to understand the extent of the procedure and make the best choice for your lifestyle. 




At the Oral and Facial Surgery Institute, we aim to provide the best care to each patient. Understanding the criteria for a good candidate for dental implants ensures a positive experience in our office and a successful implant procedure. Be sure to acknowledge the extent of the dental implant process and understand the after-care requirements of the procedure.

We are here to guide you to a healthier, happier smile. Dr. Davis and his talented team are here to provide a tailored treatment plan. Visit our website or connect with us on Instagram to learn more about our services and meet our team!

Recovery After Oral Implants

The process of placing implants has several steps, and recovery is one of the most important ones. Following any medical or oral procedure requires tedious aftercare and careful maintenance. After the long process of getting ready to receive your implants, you don’t want to compromise the procedure with poor hygiene or aftercare. Dr. Davis will discuss your specific care needs once your surgery is complete, but first we’ll discuss what to expect following your procedure to help you better prepare for your recovery. 


What to Expect After Oral Implant Surgery 


The recovery time for an oral implant procedure can take several months. As the bone begins to heal, the implant will start fusing into the bone and become part of your jaw. Titanium materials are used specifically because of their ability to bond with bone tissue and improve stability over time compared to other options. Following any oral surgery, aftercare is essential in the healing process. 


Side effects following surgery are expected. Over the first 24 hours, you might experience a nominal amount of bleeding from the site, some pain or discomfort, and most likely some swelling and bruising. Because we administer a local anesthetic for all procedures, you might still feel numb even if you have opted for general anesthesia. This numbness will wear off between six and 12 hours post-op. While your mouth is numb, be careful not to bite down on your tongue, cheek, or surgical site. It’s important to take pain medications and follow aftercare instructions as directed by Dr. Davis. 


Tips for Managing Pain and Discomfort


Pain management is one concern of many patients. Dr. Davis will prescribe pain medications following your procedure to help subside discomfort. Always follow specific instructions from your doctor when taking prescription medications. Reduce swelling with ice packs. Wrap the ice pack in a cloth to protect your skin from the cold. If you are experiencing significant bleeding, bite down on a piece of gauze for 30 minutes to help create a blood clot. Be sure to eat soft foods like yogurt, mashed potatoes, or apple sauce. Avoid smoking before your procedure and especially during recovery. 


Oral Care and Hygiene During Recovery 


Your implants and the surrounding area are highly susceptible to infection, and it’s essential to care for your implants during recovery and the entire lifespan of your implant. It’s vital to keep your mouth clean during your recovery. Maintaining oral hygiene during recovery can prevent infections and ensure successful implant integration. 


Your gums will be extra sensitive to brushing and flossing. Invest in a soft-bristled toothbrush and avoid heavy brushing near the implant site. Rinse the area thoroughly and regularly with salt water to help eliminate any possibility of infection. Avoid activities that could crack or damage your new implants, such as chewing on hard candies or ice or opening bottles with your teeth. The failure rate of implants is typically very low, but there is a direct correlation between smoking and tobacco use and dental implant failure. If you smoke, quitting before your procedure will boost your chances of a successful implant and smooth recovery. 


Follow Up Appointments and Care 


As discussed, taking extra care when brushing and flossing after getting implants is essential. Increase your oral hygiene habits following any treatment. If Dr. Davis requires follow-up visits, be sure to put them on the calendar and take any advice he has seriously to ensure a smooth route to recovery. Remember to stick to the aftercare instructions that we give you and discuss any concerns with our office. Once recovered, be sure to implement new practices when maintaining oral hygiene. 


It’s important to discuss any significant discomfort with your Oral Surgeon following your procedure. Be aware of the signs of infection, including fever, unusual drainage, or redness around the site. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, contact us immediately. If you feel concerned about a specific element of recovery, contact the Oral and Facial Surgery Institute for additional tips on caring for your new implants. 

Why is it Important to Replace Missing Teeth?

Missing teeth can be harmful to your oral health. After losing a tooth or multiple teeth, your remaining teeth will shift to fill the gap left behind, and your body will absorb bone tissue in the jaw to be used elsewhere. An implant might be necessary to prevent bone loss and misalignment of teeth. The Oral & Facial Surgery Institute team is well-versed in replacing teeth and has multiple procedures available to you. 


Prevent Loss of Bone Tissue


After losing a tooth, bone loss can begin just six months following the loss. Over time the bone loss can cause facial sinkage altering your face shape. The sinkage is caused by the chewing force no longer stimulating the jawbone. This results in your body absorbing the tissue in your bone to be used elsewhere, which is called reabsorption. Bone loss and tissue loss can increase the risk of losing other teeth. Implants are artificial teeth, with the implant or ‘screw’ being the new ‘root.’ The new implant will prevent any further bone loss. 


If you have experienced bone loss and have been told you are ineligible to receive implants, reach out to our office for a better solution that might fit your situation called Teeth in a Day. Contact Dr. Davis at the Oral and Facial Surgery Institute for a Teeth in a Day consultation! In this procedure, we will completely replace your smile in just one day with four implants to hold your dentures securely in your mouth.


Keep your Bite Even 


Your teeth will naturally shift to close the gap a missing tooth leaves. After your teeth have begun to move, your upper and lower arch will meet at an awkward and unnatural position, which can cause discomfort. Being uncomfortable may cause you to favor one side of your mouth when chewing. Favoring one side over another can lead to facial asymmetry, meaning your face shape will begin to change. When your teeth shift, your teeth will become misaligned or crooked. Crooked teeth are increasingly difficult to clean and maintain. Misalignment of teeth can result in cavities or further tooth loss.


Prevent Overgrowth


Gaps in the teeth cause teeth to shift horizontally, but they can also affect their growth. Opposing teeth, directly below or above missing teeth, can grow longer to fill the space between teeth. When no tooth is opposite to an existing tooth, there is no force to communicate to the jaw to maintain its position. Dental implants can be the force to tell the tooth to maintain its position. 


Retain Function 

The main functions of teeth are to bite, grind food, and help you speak. Missing a tooth can affect how you eat hard or chewy foods. Rather than opting for soft food options because of discomfort, you can expand your diet simply by replacing a missing tooth. Gaps in teeth can change how air flows through the mouth, altering speech and the pronunciation of words. In severe cases, it can cause you to develop a speech impediment. 


Improve Visual Smile


Having a friendly smile has been proven to have many social, professional, and emotional benefits. You might be experiencing insecurities surrounding your missing teeth, and replacing missing teeth can improve self-esteem. As mentioned, missing teeth can cause bone loss or favor one side of your mouth when chewing and cause facial asymmetry. Replacing missing teeth can improve your self-esteem, making you more excited to show off your smile! 


Schedule a Consultation


Missing teeth can affect not only your oral health but your mental health as well. When missing, your remaining teeth will naturally shift or overgrow to fill the gap. When teeth shift, they can cause misalignment and crooked teeth making you more susceptible to cavities and further tooth loss. Bone deterioration can begin as soon as six months after losing a tooth. Restoring your smile can relieve pain, and you start eating your favorite foods again. If you are experiencing tooth loss or any discomfort surrounding it, it might be time to weigh your options for replacing teeth. 


Dr. Davis and his incredible staff are willing to direct your journey to a new smile. Replacing missing teeth can be a simple procedure at the Oral & Facial Surgery Institute with the Teeth in a Day program. 


How Long Do Dental Implants Last?

Dental implants are the best option for replacing teeth. If you have teeth that have been broken, or missing, or if you are experiencing issues with dentures, dental implants could be a better solution for you. Dr. Davis encourages dental implants because they are more permanent than other options and can be more comfortable. Depending on oral care and other lifestyle choices, dental implants will last a lifetime. Choosing dental implants over other solutions can be a tough decision, but our team at Oral & Facial Surgery Institute can help answer your questions and devise a plan tailored to your situation.

Why Implants?


Replacing a tooth can help a patient’s self-esteem, correct chewing patterns, and prevent bone in the jaw from deteriorating. Dental Implants are used when a patient is missing a tooth or multiple teeth. They are the closest to natural teeth because they are made of porcelain which resembles the hardness and appearance of natural teeth. The implant is comprised of three separate parts:

  1. Implant: Titanium or zirconia post resembling a screw embedded into the jawbone and serves as the root for the new crown. The post bonds with teeth through a process called osseointegration. 
  2. Abutment: This is a fastener to hold the implant to the crown. 
  3. Crown: The crown is a false tooth mounted to the abutment providing the appearance and functionality of a natural tooth. 

Dental implants are sturdy and meant to have some wear and tear as time goes on. However, the crown is the most visible piece of an implant, which makes it more susceptible to damage. Implants located at the back of the mouth are used more frequently, which means they will wear more quickly than an implant near the front. The abutment and the crown are most commonly damaged and replaced. Replacing either of these pieces is inexpensive and can be done relatively quickly. Be sure to notify our office if you are experiencing any discomfort from a damaged implant. 

Increase the Longevity of Your Implant

Dr. Davis recommends regular brushing and flossing for all his patients, especially those who have received an oral implant or any oral procedure. Assuming that you are attending routine checkups and maintaining a proactive oral hygiene routine, the screw portion of the implant should last a lifetime. The crown section of the implant lasts about 10-15 years before you may need a replacement due to normal wear and tear. Depending on the age you receive your implant, you may never need to replace a crown. 

Along with your oral hygiene habits, other things factor into the overall maintenance of your implants. Your lifestyle and diet choices can affect your overall oral health. Drinking and smoking are leading causes of gum disease which can adversely affect your implants, not only the crown but also the tissue surrounding the implant abutment or ‘screw.’ 

In the end…

Dental implants can be a life-changing decision on the road to improving your quality of life and oral health. Maintaining your implants is very important in increasing their longevity. As you learn to care for your implants, be strict with your oral hygiene habits and adjust your lifestyle where necessary. This could help your implants last longer than the projected 10-15 years. If you are considering implants or experiencing discomfort with a previous solution, consult Dr. Davis and his experienced staff at Oral & Facial Surgery Institute to discuss an effective treatment plan.

Maintaining Oral Implants

Caring for dental implants is not a demanding task. Obviously, some things differ from regular maintenance. Learning how to make necessary adjustments to your routines can increase the longevity and overall health of your implants. 

What are Oral Implants?

Oral Implants are put in place after losing a tooth, whether to disease or injury. The loss of a tooth can cause many issues, including rapid bone loss, speech issues, or changes to chewing patterns. These things can often cause extreme discomfort, both physically and in self-esteem. Receiving an implant can significantly improve the overall quality of life for the patient. 

After receiving an implant procedure, patients should be aware of the healing process, best practices when caring for implants, and things to avoid to protect the integrity of the implant. The longevity of the implant relies on attentive care and knowledge of the implant itself. 

Implants have three structures that make up the entire implant. The crown is the visible portion of the implant that is at risk of breaking or deteriorating over time. There are two systems below that attach to the jaw and keep the implant in line with the gums. These systems are not visible but require care, especially directly following the procedure. 


Things to Avoid 

Following the initial procedure, be sure to follow the oral hygiene instructions provided by the surgeon. The main things to avoid are smoking, using a straw, spitting, and touching the surgical site with the tongue or fingers. Following these directions can help avoid infection and prevent potentially dislodging the blood clot that has formed. 

The products you usually use may be too harsh to use on an implant. Your toothbrush bristles, if too rough, can irritate the gums around the implant, which can cause intense discomfort or pain. Consider trading your flavored (i.e., mint or cinnamon) toothpaste and mouthwash with sensitive cleaning products instead. 

Avoid certain foods such as caramel, dried fruits, hard candies, and steak. These foods can result in damage to the implant as well as the surrounding teeth. Abstaining from smoking and drinking alcohol is not only good for your overall health but is necessary for the healing process. Implants take about six months to heal. Alcohol slows down the healing process and can cause implants to take more time to heal; this should be avoided as much as possible.  


Best Practices 

Be sure to visit the dentist regularly. Receiving routine cleanings can help upkeep oral health. These visits should be scheduled twice yearly. Any signs of irritation or infection shouldn’t be taken lightly. Schedule an appointment with a dentist or surgeon as soon as possible. 

Swapping products such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, and mouthwash is extremely beneficial to the long-term health of implants. Choosing a nylon brush with gentle bristles can help avoid scratching the surface of your implants. Not flossing regularly is detrimental to oral health in general, but now that implants are present, this can cause even further damage. There is a wide range of specific types of floss for implants meant to prevent irritation. 

Caring for dental implants is not a demanding task. Some things differ from regular maintenance, but making necessary adjustments to your routines can increase the longevity and overall health of your implants. 

For other questions or concerns regarding the care of your implants, reach out to Dr. Shawn Davis at the Oral and Facial Surgery Institute here!

3 Benefits of Dental Implants

If you have the same problem, you might be attempting to decide whether dental implants, dentures, or another option is the best replacement method for you. Dental implants are always our top recommendation when making a decision. Providing a permanent replacement for a missing tooth or teeth, dental implants provide many advantages over a number of your alternative options. For your better understanding, here is a list of the three benefits of dental implants to make your choice a little bit simpler:

Dental Implants Work Like Natural Teeth

The similarity between dental implants and your natural teeth in appearance and function is one of their most well-known advantages. Dental implants are practically impossible to notice when they are placed correctly. Dental implants are permanently affixed to the jaw and do not cause discomfort, in contrast to removable dentures that can be uncomfortable for the wearer.

Dental implants offer the highest stability level when inserted into your jawbone. As a result, you can continue enjoying your favorite foods, speaking normally, and having elevated self-esteem. You would not have to feel nervous using them, as they provide you with the most natural look and feel.

Provides You Reliability

Dental implants can last a lifetime with proper maintenance due to their permanent nature. Fortunately, maintaining your implant is easy. Take care of the implant using the same brushing and flossing techniques for your natural teeth.

Removable dentures require extensive care and maintenance to ensure the desired result and reliability. They also might require replacement after a short while due to their temporary nature. This is why dental implants are a reliable and trustworthy option.

Enhance Your Oral Health

Tooth loss might significantly impact the general state of your mouth’s health. When you lose a tooth, your gums start to recede, further enabling the teeth to shift. This weakens your jaw bone, which poses serious problems for the remaining teeth. Dental implants give the jaw stability and stop the neighboring teeth from moving.

Your teeth require proper support and maintenance that dental implants can only provide. As they are fixed permanently in your mouth, your teeth and oral health receive the enhancement and improvement needed to function properly.


Dental implants are sure to provide your teeth and oral health the reliability, functionality, and support it needs. For your teeth, you need a permanent and lasting solution that can provide you with the stability your teeth require.

Suppose you are looking for a lasting and reliable dental clinic that can provide you with the most optimum dental implants. Contact our experts at Shawn B. Davis, Oral & Facial Surgery Institute.

5 Tips on Recovering From Dental Implants

Dental implant surgery is a popular procedure that can fully restore your smile and provide a secure device to eat solid, hard foods. Beloved because of its permanency and easy care routine, dental implants are often put in place with ease and can last up to a lifetime. If you are considering having the surgery done, you may be wondering what the process looks like and how the recovery goes. Here are 5 tips on recovering from dental implants.

  1. Control bleeding.

After dental implants, a small amount of bleeding is normal in the following 24 hours of surgery. Keeping your head elevated, use gauze to gently bite down and reduce bleeding. Pressure can be applied for 30 minutes, but be cautious that you are not biting hard. It should be a gentle application of pressure, and not painful. 

  1. Manage pain.

Dental implant pain management is important for your health and well-being following the procedure. If you have a painkiller approved by the surgeon, take them on the suggested schedule. You can also use cold packs or heating pads, gently pressed against the mouth to alleviate pain. Cold packs can also help ease swelling and bruises.

  1. Maintain oral hygiene.

This step is critical in your healing journey. Maintaining oral hygiene will help prevent infection and will promote efficient, fast healing. Rinse with warm salt water to fight bacterial growth.

  1. Get enough rest.

When your body is healing it needs more rest than an average day. Be sure to not schedule any commitments the day of or immediate days following your dental implant surgery. You should rest as much as you can the day of, and be sure to avoid physical activities for several days until you feel better.

  1. Take prescriptions. 

If you are prescribed antibiotics, a mouthwash, or painkillers, be sure to follow your surgeons instructions precisely. This will ensure your highest chances of having a successful recovery.


If you have any questions about recovering from dental implants, or need to see an oral surgeon, contact Shawn B. Davis at Oral & Facial Surgery Institute, (435) 238-7083 today.

All-On-4 Explained

All-On-4 Explained

In simple words, an All-on-4 dental implants procedure is different from a conventional implant procedure. All-on-4 refers to the addition of four dental implants by replacing either the upper or lower set of teeth. Replacing the natural set of teeth due to decay, missing teeth, or any other reason allows a professional surgeon to strategically place four dental implants. These four dental implants then act as mechanical support for a new fixed set of teeth to be added to either the lower or upper part of the jaw.

The All-on-4 dental procedure is one of the most effective ones currently aimed at solving missing teeth issues for patients. Let’s dive into more detail to understand the benefits and several implications of the All-on-4 procedure. 

Conventional Dental Implants vs All-On-4

In All-on-4, the surgeon inserts a new set of fixed teeth on either the lower or upper jaw (gum line). However, to fix and place the new set of teeth permanently into the mouth, the surgeon inserts four small titanium screws. The said screws are inserted strategically to act as support for the new set of teeth. Those titanium screws can support either a single tooth or teeth set effectively. The titanium implants form the foundation inside the gums of the patients by fusing with the patient’s jawbone.

Previously, the conventional dental implants involved total rehabilitation with the help of 6-8 implants. Plus, the surgeon would use a full-fixed bridge. The conventional dental implants procedure required the patient to have sufficient jawbone density and mass. But, that’s not the case with an All-on-4 dental procedure.

According to the procedure, the All-on-4 dental implants process allows a professional surgeon to perform sleep dentistry. By giving IV sedation to the patient, a surgeon is allowed to make their patient less uncomfortable and anxious.

The All-on-4 dental implants consisting of four small titanium screws don’t rely on the jawbone alone as a single source of support. Instead, the longer implants can anchor at the underside of the cheekbone.

Dental Implant Failure: Major Causes for It

Several risk factors and causes can lead to dental implant failure during or after the procedure. Those causes include:

  • Implant Misalignment
  • Failed Osseointegration
  • Nerve Damage
  • Ineffective Dental Impressions
  • Implant Failure (Poor Quality)
  • Allergic Reactions (Foreign Body Reaction)

However, you must know that these risks won’t be there when a professionally trained and educated surgeon is taking care of you.


With the help of Dr Shawn B. Davis, DMD at Oral & Facial Surgery Institute, find out if you qualify for an All-on-4 dental procedure. As established above, you must have a certain level of bone density and mass preserved in your jaw to ensure the implantation of titanium posts. They will fuse perfectly if your jawbone is dense and strong. On the other hand, you can trust Dr Davis, DMD, with all your oral surgeries and treatments.

Being in practice for a couple of years now, we provide the most convenient dental and facial services. Set an appointment with Dr Davis, DMD at Oral & Facial Surgery Institute today. Call us at (435) 628-1100 to learn more.

Dentures vs. Dental Implants

You may be in two different paths of life. Perhaps you already have dentures and they are no longer serving the exact purpose you need, so you may wonder about opting for dental implants instead. On a different path, maybe you are to the point of losing your teeth or wanting to swap them for a set of artificial teeth to better your oral health or ability to eat. Here we will walk you through the differences of the two; dentures vs. dental implants.

Dentures Key Facts

Dentures are a teeth and gum set made of artificial material. The sets are carefully formed to your mouth and have a unique shape to sit in place without causing you discomfort. Dentures can be full or partial, so they can replace all of your teeth, or some of your teeth that may be missing or extracted. Most dentures are made of porcelain, plastic, or hard resin and they last roughly 5 years but will need replacing as they wear away over time or may chip if dropped.

Dental Implants Key Facts

Dental implants are surgically placed systems that sit in the jaw bone. They are used to change a person’s smile or to restore your ability to chew and eat regular, solid foods. The implants hold fake teeth securely into place. They can last up to a lifetime but it does depend on the materials used and how well they are cared for once put in place.


The choice of what to do with your teeth is always a decision that should be up to you and based upon your oral surgeon’s expert recommendation. Whether you decide to get dentures or dental implants, you can trust Shawn B. Davis at Oral & Facial Surgery Institute to take good care of you. Contact the office today to get started: (435) 238-7083

How to Prepare for All-On-4 Surgery

All-on-4 are dentals implants that can replace an entire set of teeth with only 4 implants. This modern, simple design makes for a speedy recovery and a beautiful smile. It is also one of the most cost effective options to restore a smile to a healthy, attractive state. If you plan to have this surgery, knowing how to prepare for it is important. 

Before All-On-4 Surgery

Before your surgery be sure to talk to your surgeon about how you can best prepare for the upcoming procedure. Your oral surgeon wants the procedure to be as successful and painless as possible so they will have specific instructions on what to do before entering the office on your surgery day.

Immediately Following All-On-4 Surgery

Immediately after your oral health surgery, your surgeon will have careful instructions for you to give your mouth the best chance at recovering fully and quickly. You can expect to:

  • Avoid hard, solid foods. You will need to be one a liquid diet for a time period following the surgery in order to not irritate, damage, or injure your gums and implants.
  • Use all of the prescribed medication or mouth rinses you receive from your surgeon.
  • Gently brush the new teeth but be sure to avoid sore gums and incision points. Keeping regular oral hygiene practices in place will avoid future complications and infection.
  • Regularly rinse your mouth after eating and throughout the day. A warm water and salt mixture typically does the trick and fights bacterial growth.

Final Procedure

After your first procedure receiving the implants and prosthetic teeth, you will again visit your oral surgeon to have your permanent dentures implanted. This final surgery takes place typically months after your first visit to give your mouth time to heal from the implants. You again will need to keep your mouth consistently clean and follow all of your oral surgeon’s instructions.


All-On-4 surgery requires several visits with your oral surgeon and will carry a recovery time of a few months. Still, it is a simple, safe procedure that will give you a permanent, gorgeous smile that can last a lifetime. If you are interested in getting All-On-4, contact Shawn B. Davis at Oral & Facial Surgery Institute (435) 238-7083 to answer your questions and discuss your future!