Oral Surgeon vs. Dentist

Oral Surgeon vs. Dentist

Many people think dentists and oral surgeons do the same job. Well, that’s not the case. A dentist will specifically deal with your oral health and treatment. This may include tooth extraction, cleaning, surgeries, grafting of bones, and cavity filling, etc. A dentist may refer a patient to an oral surgeon in case the diagnosis or treatment falls outside their practice.

For instance, a dentist may refer a patient to an oral surgeon for wisdom tooth removal, depending upon the medical condition. So, an oral surgeon will provide health services, diagnoses, and treatments that are beyond a dentist’s scope of work.

The Dentist

A dentist will complete four years of under-graduation school. Thereafter, they get enrolled in a dental school to complete their four or five years of education. Next, they will get a DDS, i.e., Doctor of Dental Surgery degree, or they may receive a DMD, i.e., Doctor of Dental Medicine degree.

Dentist’s Portfolio

Dentists mostly practice in a private clinic, or they may join a group office or hospital. They will deal with general teeth health. A dentist will take great care of your teeth, gums, and mouth.

A dentist will:

  • Do a routine dental check-up
  • Perform diagnosis on teeth, gums, and mouth-related issues
  • Suggest remedial medication
  • Perform teeth fillings and apply sealants
  • Execute roots canal, depending on patient’s health
  • Suggest or advise dental crowns, bridges, etc.
  • Perform tooth extractions
  • Use x-rays to determine oral health and proceed with treatment accordingly
  • Devise a patient’s treatment plan in a methodical manner
  • Also, educate patients to ensure a preventive dental care

An Oral Surgeon

An oral surgeon is a specialist who completes the four-year undergraduate program. They also get the same degrees, a DDS and DMD. After receiving the degree, a dentist has to complete a residency at the hospital to become a dental surgery specialist. This takes another four to eight years.

An oral surgeon is also referred to as a maxillofacial surgeon.

Oral Surgeon’s Responsibilities

A dentist will refer a patient to an oral surgeon for complex surgeries and treatment of teeth, mouth, jaw, and gums, etc.

They often treat accident patients and cancer patients. In some cases, they may also work with medical professionals as a team.

In addition to what a dentist can do, an oral surgeon will:

  • Execute a tooth extraction with a complex situation that may even involve bone
  • Align and place the dental implants
  • Remove cysts and soft tissues
  • Take out an oral tumor
  • Do reconstruction of damaged teeth
  • Repair jawbones, jawline, and jaw alignment
  • Will administer anesthesia


It may be difficult for you to decide to either go to a dentist or oral surgeon for your dental issues. Nonetheless, the best situation will be to visit a dentist, and if they suggest, you may proceed to an oral surgeon.




Dry Socket after Wisdom Teeth Removal

Dry Socket after Wisdom Teeth Removal

Tooth extraction is the removal of a tooth or teeth from the jawbone due to many different reasons. More than often, a severe complication does follow. “Dry Sockets” are a common problem that dental surgery patients (tooth removal) often face. After tooth removal, a blood clot has to form in the empty socket. Dry sockets occur when it transfers or fails to form properly.
Consequently, the empty socket becomes susceptible to intense pain when in contact with bacteria, germs, food, and even drinks. Study shows that the rate of dry socket occurrence is somewhere around 1.8 percent. Therefore, it is not too much of a concern. Nevertheless, you should be aware of certain factors

Dental scientists and researchers are unclear as to why dry sockets occur. Nevertheless, researchers do believe that there might be some potential causes of dry sockets after tooth removal.
Researchers and scientists believe that certain foods, drinks, medicine, or anything that enters the mouth might dislodge the blood clot in the empty socket. Moreover, another probable reason why a dry socket may occur in your mouth after a tooth extraction is a trauma.

Trauma to the gum and socket area during dental surgery can contribute to a dry socket. Another cause of the trauma is when you accidentally hit your teeth with a toothbrush.

Symptoms of a dry socket are highly noticeable and easily detectable. Detecting them helps with quick prevention and treatment. Some of them are below in the list:

• Pain in the teeth area after tooth extraction
• Visible jawbone in the mouth
• Radiating pain (socket to ear to the eye)
• Bad breath or some unpleasant smell from the mouth
• Partial loss of tooth in the surgical area
Simply put, the dry socket due to lack of blood clot makes the jawbone visible. This makes a dry socket highly detectable. Further from this, the pain is highly equal to tooth extraction itself. The pain is describable as extremely throbbing and dull.


Your dental surgeon may apply for some medicine and prescribe an ointment as well. Some of the things that can alleviate the pain of dry sockets and help you recover are as mentioned below.
• Medical Dressings post-dental-surgery
• Antiseptics to the wound (dry socket/ trauma)
• Antibiotics
• Mouthwashes and gels that are anti-bacterial in nature
Risk Factors and Prevention
Risk factors that can lead to dry socket include:
• Drinking without straw and having beverages (cold, caffeinated, etc.)
• Rigid food (food that has jagged edges and requires hard chewing)
• Smoking and alcohol consumption
• Not using mouthwashes post-surgery to avoid bacterium contamination to the affected area
These are some of the things and actions that you can avoid to suppress the probability of suffering from dry sockets after tooth removal.


Here at Oral & Facial Surgery Institute, Dr. Davis, MD, provides the best dental care to his patients. Based in southern Utah, we strive to give our dental patients the best treatments and care. Give us a call now at (435) 238-7083 or visit our contact us page if you are struggling with a dry socket. Or, you can pay us a personal visit at 1098 East Riverside Dr St. George, UT 84790.


1. http://www.scielo.org.za/pdf/sadj/v71n4/06.pdf
2. https://www.healthline.com/health/dental-and-oral-health/jagged-teeth#prevention
3. https://www.healthline.com/health/when-can-i-stop-worrying-about-dry-sockets#symptoms
4. https://www.medicinenet.com/dry_socket_overview/article.htm
5. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/318202
6. https://www.webmd.com/oral-health/guide/dry-socket-symptoms-and-treatment
7. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/dry-socket/symptoms-causes/syc-20354376#:~:text=Dry%20socket%20(alveolar%20osteitis)%20is,before%20the%20wound%20has%20healed

How to Heal Quickly After Wisdom Tooth Surgery

In-depth research shows that about five million Americans undergo wisdom teeth removal per year. In addition to this, dentists and oral surgeons extract about 10 million wisdom teeth in a year.

Moreover, wisdom teeth may take two weeks to recover fully. During this period, you must know how to look after the wound appropriately. In fact, taking care of your teeth and gums appropriately can help speed up the recovery period. Here we discuss ways you can achieve that:

How Long Does a Wisdom Teeth Recovery Take?

There’s a slight chance you may require stitches to help appropriately close the wound. Here you’ll have to wait a week before you can get the stitches off. In some cases, the surgery results in swelling, pain, and bruising, which requires additional time to heal.

Generally, wisdom teeth recovery occurs slowly yet gradually. Here we discuss the healing process in several steps:

  • Blood clots form within the first 24 hours
  • Swelling of the mouth and cheeks typically improves after 2 to 3 days.
  • Your dentist will remove stitches after seven days.
  • Jaw stiffness and soreness should disappear within 7 to 10 days.
  • Mild bruising occurring on your face should diminish after two weeks.

Keep in mind that the recovery time varies for different people. In case your blood clots dislodge from the wound or an infection occurs, your wound may take longer to heal.

How to Speed Up Recovery Process

The below-mentioned tips can lead to a speedy recovery after wisdom tooth removal:

Follow a Strict Diet

To ensure you don’t irritate your wound or cause an infection, avoid consuming hot foods and beverages for the initial three hours to ensure the anesthetic effects wear naturally.


Your tooth sockets require at least two weeks to heal, whereas you may have to wait a while before the stitches settle in properly. For this reason, experts recommend you stick to consuming soft food items and liquids.

Rinse Your Mouth with Salt Water

Don’t rinse your mouth in the first 24 hours after your wisdom teeth surgery. However, you may start rinsing your mouth with a warm salt solution in the following week. It removes food particles and also kills bacteria, but it also acts as a natural painkiller.

Ice the Wound

One great way to gain relief from wisdom tooth surgery pain is by icing your jaw. That way, you can reduce the bruising and swelling you may be experiencing.

Start by placing an ice pack atop the extraction area for at least 15 to 20 minutes. After that, remove the ice pack and let your face cool down for about 20 minutes. Then repeat the process.

You may continue doing this process multiple times for the 36 to 48 hours following your removal.

The Takeaway

After appropriate aftercare, it takes a mere two weeks for you to recover from wisdom teeth removal. In case you develop an infection, you may need to take antibiotics.

Moreover, you must schedule a follow-up appointment with your oral surgeon to ensure your wisdom teeth are healing appropriately. Book an appointment here in Southern Utah with our expert oral surgeon Dr.Davis to ensure your wound doesn’t get an infection and your recovery process goes smoothly.

How to Help Denture Mouth Sores

Getting dentures comes with a fair amount of discomfort and gum pain. Especially in the first few weeks after wearing dentures, you may have to deal with sore and sensitive gums until your mouth adjusts. On top of that, you may experience additional pain as your bone structure, and gums grow over time.

Besides this, if you’re experiencing denture pain, you can easily spot the symptoms. It includes red patches on the skin just below the denture or the development of white yeast patches. In certain cases, the gums may appear to spread over the denture resulting in pain in the red tissues. Here we’ve rounded up a couple of ways you can relieve denture pain:

Your denture sore may cause discomfort and irritation in your mouth. Here are some measures you can take to restrict the development of denture sores:

Practice Proper Denture Hygiene

Taking care of your denture may sound like a chore, but in-depth cleaning and proper denture care can help avoid extreme denture discomforts.

For starters, thoroughly clean your dentures with a dental cleanser and remove any food particles from your mouth. That way, you can keep denture pain caused by bacteria, yeast, or thrush at bay.

Moreover, be sure to immerse your dentures in lukewarm water before crawling into bed at night. It helps loosen particles that may be stuck to your dentures resulting in easy removal when brushing the next morning.

Avoid Sticky Foods and Enjoy Soft Ones

In order to avoid denture mouth sores, as well as get used to chewing with dentures, patients should opt for soft foods. It comprises dishes like soup, porridge, pudding, seedless grapes, berries, and so on.

Your main goal should be ensuring your mouth is always moist. It is because the lubricating saliva helps reduce denture friction, thus preventing gum irritation. In case you consume foods or liquids, like coffee, that reduce saliva production, make sure you follow it by taking copious amounts of non-diuretic fluids.

In addition to this, avoid seeded bread, sticky food, hot and spicy food, and particularly hard food that requires extra force to bite down. It may lead to sore spots below your dentures or discomfort.

Utilize a Denture Adhesive

A high-quality denture adhesive can help restrict gum pain by preventing the existence of food particles between your dentures and gums.

Besides that, denture adhesive ensures your dentures remain in their designated place and don’t irritate your gums.

Home Remedies to Help Prevent Sore Gums

Apart from the prevention steps mentioned above, you may try the easy-to-follow home remedies added below:

  • Contact your oral surgeon to ask whether you can use a topical anesthetic or not. They may recommend one consisting of benzocaine lower pain levels.
  • Regularly rinse your mouth with salty water.
  • Take over-the-counter pain relief medication to relieve pain, inflammation, and discomfort as per your oral surgeon’s recommendation.
  • Be sure to remove your dentures for around six hours each day to relax your gums.
  • Soaking your dentures in water helps remove food particles stuck on the dentures.

Still not sure how you can relieve pain by sore gums?  Then contact our professional oral surgeon, Dr. Davis, by scheduling an appointment at our website.

How Often Should Your Toothbrush Be Replaced?

It’s not something you think of often, but replacing your toothbrush is vital for your oral health. Believe it or not, but your toothbrush is one of those things that should be replaced as often as all of your other personal hygiene products.


So how are you supposed to know when you need to replace your toothbrush? Keep reading to find out!


Signs You Need to Replace Your Toothbrush


You rely on your toothbrush to clean your teeth, gums, and to remove plaque. So naturally, you want to make sure it’s getting the job done. But if your toothbrush has any of the following symptoms, it may be time to get it replaced.


After about three months, your toothbrush may start showing mold, fungus, or worth. You can usually tell if this is happening if the bristles are changing color. If your bristles are frayed, it’s another surefire sign that its’ time to change your toothbrush.


The best part of a new toothbrush is its stiffness. They manage to get into every spot of your mouth and clean out every type of bacteria you may have lurking in your mouth. But when your toothbrush is old, your bristles start to get soft and won’t get the job done.


If you’ve been sick lately, chances are your toothbrush may be the reasoning behind it. Strep throat or the flu are common illnesses that can easily be passed on through your toothbrush.


What Happens When You Don’t Change Your Toothbrush Often Enough?


If you don’t change your toothbrush often enough, chances are you won’t die. However, you will certainly feel the effects of it. As mentioned earlier, bacteria and fungus can easily grow on your toothbrush. When your toothbrush isn’t removing the plaque in your teeth as it should be, your teeth can start to grow mold. And who wants that?


Getting the Right Dental Products for You


It can be hard to know what type of dental products you need. The best thing you can do is to ask your dentist. However, you can also figure it out on your own by testing out different bristle types and seeing what works best for you.


An electric toothbrush is one that people usually go for due to the fact that improves your oral health more than regular toothbrushes do.


Do as much research as you possibly can and take into consideration any problems you may already be having.


Be sure to use a toothpaste that has fluoride in it to make sure your teeth are as clean as possible. As always, floss is another way to make sure your teeth stay healthy. An


In Conclusion


Your toothbrush is one of those things that you shouldn’t let go by the wayside. It’s vital to your oral hygiene that you constantly have a brand-new toothbrush otherwise your mouth could suffer consequences.


If you still have any questions, be sure to reach our team at the Oral and Facial Surgery Institute, to ask any questions that you might have!

The Difference Between Cosmetic Dentistry and Restorative Dentistry

Your smile is one of the first things people notice about you. So naturally, you want it to be as perfect as possible. However, before you go ahead and make a consultation at your dentist, make sure you know the difference between cosmetic dentistry and restorative dentistry.


To put it plainly, restorative dentistry is the process of restoring your mouth and your overall health. Cosmetic dentistry, on the other hand, is more about the cosmetic aspect of it and improves the alignment, color, shape, and size of the client’s teeth.


Cosmetic Dentistry


Now that you know the basics of cosmetic and restorative dentistry, it’s time to get down to the nitty-gritty.


Cosmetic dentistry focuses more on veneers, crowns, bonding, and even teeth whitening. This means that although you may not have any prominent issues with your teeth, there may be some imperfections that you are eager to get fixed.


Veneers are a thin layer of covering that goes over your natural tooth. Despite this, they still look like natural teeth. They are typically the only option for people whose teeth are too far gone and can’t be fixed via whitening or braces.


Getting your teeth whitened is also another version of cosmetic dentistry. It’s ideal for getting the bright smile you have always dreamed of without having to spend money on whitening procedures that won’t work.


Your teeth can change color over the years as a result of cigarette smoke, coffee, medications, and more. However, this isn’t always a problem you can fix with just regular toothpaste. Over time, you will have to rely on the services of a professional.


Restorative Dentistry


This type of dentistry isn’t as fun as cosmetic dentistry. This is the type of dentistry you’ll need when you have a cavity, need an implant, or more. This could involve getting a crown or a filling for a cavity. It’s also not necessarily something you have a choice in.


If you do end up having to get one, be sure to avoid having to get another by not eating hard or sticky foods, brushing often and flossing as often as you can.


Restorative dentistry also involves replacing an entire tooth on its own. If you have lost a tooth as a result of an accident or some other reason, restorative dentistry is the type of service you’ll need.


In Conclusion


There are some important things to take away from restorative and cosmetic dentistry. For one, restorative dentistry isn’t optional and is something you need in order for your mouth to be as healthy as possible. Cosmetic dentistry, on the other hand, is an option and something people get in order to make their smile look better than it already is.


If you have any questions about getting either of these procedures done, be sure to reach out to your local dentist’s office for more information. At the end of the day, the health of your teeth is one you shouldn’t compromise.

What to Do About Your Sleep Apnea?

OSA stands for Obstructive Sleep Apnea. In this medical condition, an individual experiences a disruptive sleeping pattern due to not getting enough oxygen. The tongue reaches the back of the throat when OSA occurs, which blocks the upper airway. This stops the airflow, causing the individual to wake up, gasping for breath. It is a misconception that sleep apnea is similar to snoring because repeatedly experiencing low oxygen levels during sleep can lead to other severe health issues. This includes cardiovascular problems, memory loss, a poor immune system, and various mental health disorders.

While treatments are available in the form of devices and surgery, a few changes in lifestyle can also help people overcome the condition and improve their sleep quality.


Traditional medical treatments include using a nasal CPAP mask at night. This ensures that the right levels of oxygen pass through the mask to reduce obstruction when you sleep at night. Another is the uvulo-palato-pharyngoplasty or UPPP procedure. In this treatment, a surgeon operates on the back of the throat. While it is effective; people are often uncomfortable with the idea of wearing a mask or opting for surgery. In this article, we have put together a few remedies that work when it comes to reducing the effects of sleep apnea.

Ideal weight

If there is one thing that doctors recommend right away, it is maintaining an ideal weight. In many cases, obesity is the root cause of this condition, especially if you have high upper body weight. It narrows the nasal passages and blocks the airflow. As a result, it disrupts the breathing cycle for a long time. A healthy weight helps keep the airways clear, thereby reducing the occurrence of sleep apnea.


A regular workout routine can help maintain and regulate your energy levels and strengthen your respiratory system. Considering that sleep apnea is the result of decreased oxygen levels, practicing yoga can be of great help here.

Yoga consists of a variety of breathing exercises that can help immensely in improving the level of oxygen within your body. Once they improve, you get to enjoy an interrupted sleep.

Bhramari pranayama, 3-part breathing or Buteyko breathing are a few yoga breathing exercises that one can perform to reduce the symptoms and occurrence of sleep apnea.

Limit your alcohol consumption

If you commonly engage in drinking alcohol or smoking, consider giving up on these unhealthy habits. Making healthier lifestyle choices will lead to a significant reduction in the occurrence of sleep apnea.

Are you wondering what alcohol does to your body to cause such a condition?

Well, alcohol gets in the way of the muscles that regulate your breathing. This gradually leads to inflammation of the airways, causing them to swell and eventually block. As a result, you experience snoring and troubled sleep.



If the remedies we mentioned above do not help much, you can always reach out to us and set up a consultation.

Wisdom Teeth Removal for Missionaries

About 3% of missionaries experience shortened missions caused by various physical health problems. By going through wisdom teeth removal, a missionary can help ensure that their mission is not interrupted by orthodontic issues.


Visit a Dentist

Visiting a dentist is important in ensuring that your oral health is up to date before you start serving. They will let you know if there are any problems with your teeth and what you can do to fix them.


Wisdom teeth often cause problems in young adults’ mouths- they can erupt in the wrong spot, crowd other teeth, become impacted, or even erupt sideways. If any of these were to happen, it could be very detrimental to your physical health.


Because of this, the Mission Department says that you should go through a wisdom teeth removal procedure if your dentist believes they are going to cause you issues within the next two years.


Prospective missionaries that are not in a routine dental-care program will want to see a dentist as soon as possible. That way they can be sure that there is enough time for a check-up and treatment if needed.


In short, you want any needed orthodontic work to be completed before entering the MTC. If you are in St. George with wisdom teeth problems, our team at the Oral & Facial Surgery Institute consists of an experienced and caring staff who would love to help you.


What Problems Can Wisdom Teeth Cause?

Every patient can experience different issues with their wisdom teeth. However, as a missionary, you will want to be sure you get them looked at before you leave to serve. Wisdom teeth removal may require a long healing time, which could interrupt your mission.


They also cause many problems. When an impacted tooth is not removed, it may cause swelling and pain in your gums. Wisdom teeth that are only partially erupted are hard to clean since they are in the back of your mouth- making them a potential risk for gum disease, infection, or tooth decay.


We are specialists when it comes to any St. George wisdom tooth extraction, so do not be afraid to reach out to us. Many of our patients are future missionaries, just like you!


What Happens After Removal?

Once the teeth have been removed, you will start the healing process. It is different for every person and our specialists will let you know what to do to help the process along.


You will likely experience some swelling and pain in your mouth. An ice pack can help reduce swelling and numb your mouth. Be sure that you only eat soft food after the procedure and avoid using a straw.


It can take 3 days to a week to completely recover. After this, it would be alright to start your mission. Remember that you can still be susceptible to infection for a few months, so clean your mouth often, and be sure to watch for signs of an infection.



Contact us today if you are a prospective missionary looking to have their wisdom teeth removed. We would love to answer any questions that you have about the procedure. 435-628-1100

What You Need to Know About Nighttime Teeth Grinding

One of the more common oral habits is grinding your teeth, particularly during the night. While in many cases, this is associated with occasional bouts of stress or anxiety and is relatively harmless. When the condition (called bruxism) becomes a regular habit, it can cause damage. When left unchecked, regular teeth grinding can actually damage your teeth to the point of loss or causing TMJ. How do you know that you are grinding your teeth, and how can you address it to make sure it isn’t a long-term issue?


Identifying Teeth Grinding Behavior


For the vast majority of people, teeth grinding isn’t a conscious behavior; it’s not something that we are intentionally doing. Even more so, it’s a behavior that often occurs during sleep, meaning it’s not something we even know we are doing. In fact, normally, we notice the effects of it after the fact. Some of the symptoms of tooth grinding include a nearly constant headache, particularly a dull one, or a jaw that exhibits soreness. If you share a bed with someone, they will occasionally even report hearing the grinding during the night.


However, none of these things can conclusively diagnose bruxism. If you suspect that you might be grinding your teeth, make an appointment with your dentist and then we can examine your teeth and look for the telltale evidence of grinding and lead us to the next steps for treatment.


Immediate Treatment for Bruxism


The good news is that we can treat the behavior of teeth grinding very quickly, providing effective relief in short order. To do that, we can fit you with a mouth guard, specifically for nighttime. This can protect your teeth immediately and relieve the pain and discomfort that comes along with it. While this treatment is effective quickly, it can also be helpful for treating any underlying causes of bruxism.


Get to the Root Cause of Teeth Grinding


For most people, the behavior of teeth grinding is closely tied to stress or anxiety. Treating any stress can help halt the bruxism long term. In our office, we can teach you some basic stress relief techniques that can help alleviate the behavior. However, activities like exercise or seeking stress reduction therapy can also help.


During the treatment process, there are several behavioral adjustments you can make that will make bruxism better. Consumption of caffeine (particularly in the afternoon) or alcohol can both exacerbate teeth grinding and cutting back can alleviate the pain associated with it. In addition, ensuring that you only chew on food can help; any habitual chewing can make the problem worse. Lastly, relaxing your jaw before sleep can also be a big help. To do this, we recommend using a warm washcloth on your face to jumpstart the relaxation.


If you feel you might be suffering the ill effects of nighttime teeth grinding, we’d be happy to help you identify any issues and get you on the road to recovery. Contact us today!

Top 3 Reasons for a Bone Graft

Bone grafts are one of the more common procedures that oral surgeons do because it is a relatively minor procedure that can carry with it a lot of potential benefits. Despite our image of bone as a solid and immovable material, your bones and body are constantly changing throughout our lives, often responding to changes in our bodies. One of the most frequently adjusting bones is the jawbone, and bone grafts can help improve several conditions. The technique involves a minor gum incision to access the bone and then to insert graft material, normally consisting of your own bone. The healing will encourage growth and enable your body to fill in for lost bone and soft tissue material. The question is, what are some of the main reasons this procedure is performed and how does a bone graft address those issues.


A Bone Graft Can Save Your Teeth


One of the major effects of periodontal disease, like gingivitis, is that in severe cases, it can cause bone loss. This bone loss can actually cause your teeth to become loose and to put you in danger of actually losing those teeth. However, a bone graft can actually help stop the loss of bone and actually regenerate the supply of material supporting the jaw. This will actually provide a boost to bone support, and it can be a big help in allowing you to retain your teeth.


Providing Options After Tooth Extraction


Bone grafts can also be a common part of another regular oral surgery, tooth extraction. The removal of a tooth obviously changes the landscape of the jaw and can cause other teeth to shift or become loose. Now, during tooth extraction, it’s quite normal to actually put bone graft material in the tooth socket to stabilize the jawline. This also can allow you to choose a dental implant down the road if you choose.


Ridge Augmentation – Restoring Your Natural Contour


One major concern that a lot of patients have after suffering any jaw altering side effect is how their smile looks. The feeling that your smile looks different can make many self-conscious. Thankfully, one of the major benefits of bone graft procedures is that it can be used to perform ridge augmentation. This fills in the areas around any indents and provides patients with a healthy and natural-looking smile that they can be proud of.


Bone grafts are a safe and common procedure that can help bolster teeth and return you to a natural-looking smile and can aid several periodontal ailments. Contact us today, and learn more now!