Who Are Good Candidates for Dental Implants?

When it comes to replacing missing teeth, it’s essential to understand the criteria that must be met to receive dental implants. Dental implants have revolutionized the field of restorative oral surgery, offering a reliable and long-lasting solution for replacing missing teeth. To ensure a successful implantation process, it’s important to consider the qualities that make an individual an ideal candidate. 


The Oral and Facial Surgery Institute is dedicated to providing transparent, effective care. Learn more about our services on our website or contact us today! 


Understanding Dental Implants


Dental implants go beyond cosmetic enhancements; they provide a functional and durable alternative to dentures or other replacement options. Composed of titanium posts and custom-made crowns, implants mimic the natural structure of teeth, offering benefits that extend beyond aesthetics. 


General Criteria for Dental Implants


Achieving success with dental implants requires a foundation of good oral heath and overall health. Healthy gums, sufficient bone density, and consideration of medical history are essential factors in determining candidacy. 


Specific Qualities of Good Candidates 


Age, commitment to oral hygiene, and psychological factors play crucial roles in identifying suitable candidates for dental implants. Even though you can’t technically be too old for dental implants, there are several age-related health factors that rule out candidacy for dental implants, including deteriorated bone density or significant gum recession


Health Conditions and Dental Implants 


Certain systemic health conditions and medications may influence candidacy. Specific conditions like diabetes and heart disease may contribute to adverse side effects or cause your body to reject the implant. Medications related to these conditions can also be a concern, specifically if you take insulin to regulate your blood sugar. 


Assessing Bone Density


Understanding the importance of sufficient bone density is vital in determining the success of dental implants. Dr. Davis will examine your bone density using X-rays, CT scans, and other imaging techniques. For an evaluation, schedule an appointment by contacting our office. 


Dental Implant Consultation Process


Schedule a Consultation: Visit our website or call our office to schedule a comprehensive consultation with Dr. Davis. 


Evaluation: Dr. Davis will use technology and other techniques to determine your candidacy for dental implants. Be sure to ask all of your questions. Our staff is happy to help you understand your condition and the impending procedure. 


Procedure: Before your appointment, check out our “New Patients” tab on our website to prepare for your upcoming surgery. 


Potential Challenges and Considerations 


While dental implants boast high success rates, it’s essential to acknowledge potential complications and risks. In some cases, dental implants may be rejected by the body. There is also potential for infection if the patient is not cared for properly following the procedure. Be sure to understand the extent of the procedure and make the best choice for your lifestyle. 




At the Oral and Facial Surgery Institute, we aim to provide the best care to each patient. Understanding the criteria for a good candidate for dental implants ensures a positive experience in our office and a successful implant procedure. Be sure to acknowledge the extent of the dental implant process and understand the after-care requirements of the procedure.

We are here to guide you to a healthier, happier smile. Dr. Davis and his talented team are here to provide a tailored treatment plan. Visit our website or connect with us on Instagram to learn more about our services and meet our team!

Pediatric Oral and Facial Surgery: When is It Necessary?

The health of a child’s smile is a critical element of their overall well-being, meaning maintaining optimal oral health is crucial from an early age. Let’s explore the vital role of Oral Surgeons in pediatric care, shed light on common concerns, signs, and symptoms, the evaluation process, and our approach to providing child-friendly care. 


Common Pediatric Oral and Facial Issues


Pediatric oral and facial issues are diverse, ranging from congenital abnormalities to facial trauma. Cleft lip and palate, impacted teeth, and accidents are among the challenges that may require surgical intervention. As parents and caregivers, understanding these conditions is fundamental for providing the best possible care for your child. 


Signs and Symptoms


Recognizing signs and symptoms early is key to addressing oral concerns in children to safeguard their development. From difficulty eating or speaking to abnormalities in facial structure, vigilant about these indicators allows for prompt intervention. 


Evaluation and Diagnosis 


Our friendly staff and welcoming environment ensure your child’s comfort while in our office. When examining a patient, Dr. Davis is very thorough, utilizing advanced imaging techniques and diagnostic tools. Technological advancements have played a significant role in providing precise diagnoses and allowing for highly specialized treatment plans. Contact us today to schedule a consultation! 


Types of Pediatric Oral and Facial Surgery


Tooth Extraction 


It may be suggested to have wisdom teeth, permanent teeth, or even baby teeth pulled if your child is experiencing crowding. Tooth extractions are often recommended for orthodontic reasons. Removing these teeth early can help with proper alignment of the jaw and improved facial structure. 




A frenectomy is a surgery to remove stra folds of soft tissue in the mouth, typically on the upper lip or under the tongue, especially for children born tongue-tied. Excess tissue in these areas can lead to speech or other problems and is often recommended for removal. 


Treatment of Injury or Trauma


As parents ourselves, we understand that accidents happen! Anything from a cut, knocked-out tooth, or a jaw fracture may require oral surgery. If you or your child experiences an emergency involving the mouth, please contact our office immediately. Our staff is always available to assist and answer your questions. 


Preparing for Pediatric Oral and Facial Surgery 


Our staff will provide guidelines for preparing your child after your evaluation with Dr. Davis. Feel free to ask questions and allow our staff to address your concerns. Understanding the preoperative process helps alleviate anxiety and contributes to a smoother experience for you and your child. 


Recovery and Follow-Up Care


The recovery process after the procedure will be carefully outlined, including follow-up appointments and ongoing care. Careful postoperative procedures ensure optimal recovery and the long-term success of the surgery. 



Pediatric oral care plays a crucial role in ensuring a child’s overall health and well-being. From addressing concerns to the procedure, Dr. Davis and his staff are here for your child’s unique needs. Recognizing signs early is vital, so schedule a consultation if you feel it’s necessary. Whether it’s a tooth extraction or trauma care, our focus is providing the best, child-friendly care possible. Trust our dedicated team to safeguard your child’s oral health. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Davis today!

Minimally Invasive Oral Surgery Techniques

At the Oral and Facial Surgery Institute, we strive to use the latest technology and precision in each of our procedures. Let’s discover innovative techniques that have allowed us to offer minimally invasive surgery to minimize trauma and enhance recovery for our patients. 


What Is Minimally Invasive Oral Surgery?


Minimally invasive oral surgery utilizes techniques to prioritize precision and efficiency, resulting in numerous benefits for both patients and surgeons. In many cases, MIS (Minimally Invasive Surgery) can result in less swelling, less pain, shorter hospital stays, and faster recovery times. How has this affected the oral surgery field? 


Common Minimally Invasive Oral Surgery Techniques


Laser Surgery

  • Laser technology has become a cornerstone in oral surgery. 
  • Applications in soft and hard tissue procedures. 
  • Benefits include reduced bleeding, faster healing, and minimal discomfort.



  • The use of microscopes in oral surgery for enhanced visibility. 
  • Precision at the microscopic level, allowing for delicate procedures.
  • Improved outcomes, especially in complex situations. 



  • Definition and applications of piezoelectric devices in oral surgery. 
  • Advantages in bone surgery: reducing risk of damage to surrounding tissues. 
  • Enhanced cutting precision for improved results.  


Advantages of Minimally Invasive Techniques 


Reduced Trauma

  • The impact on tissues and surrounding structures is significantly minimized. 
  • Faster healing and recovery times, allowing patients to return to daily activities sooner. 


Minimal Scarring 

  • Cosmetic benefits for patients, as incisions are smaller and less noticeable.
  • Improved patient satisfaction with aesthetic outcomes.


Lower Risk of Complications 

  • Decreased likelihood of postoperative complications. 
  • Enhanced safety profile for patients, ensuring a smoother recovery. 


Challenges and Considerations 


While minimally invasive techniques offer numerous advantages, it’s important to acknowledge potential limitations. Dr. Davis will discuss your eligibility for innovative procedures depending on the complexity of your required treatment. Don’t hesitate to ask questions and express your concerns during your consultation with our staff


Future Trends in Minimally Invasive Oral Surgery 


We anticipate more developments in oral surgery. From emerging technologies to innovative procedures, the Oral and Facial Surgery Institute remains committed to staying at the forefront of these advancements to provide our patients with the best possible care. 



At the Oral and Facial Surgery Institute, we are proud to champion minimally invasive oral surgery techniques. The benefits to our patients during and following procedures underscores our commitment to delivering superior care. If you are considering oral surgery, contact the Oral and Facial Surgery Institute. Schedule your consultation to begin your journey toward optimal oral health.

Recovery After Oral Implants

The process of placing implants has several steps, and recovery is one of the most important ones. Following any medical or oral procedure requires tedious aftercare and careful maintenance. After the long process of getting ready to receive your implants, you don’t want to compromise the procedure with poor hygiene or aftercare. Dr. Davis will discuss your specific care needs once your surgery is complete, but first we’ll discuss what to expect following your procedure to help you better prepare for your recovery. 


What to Expect After Oral Implant Surgery 


The recovery time for an oral implant procedure can take several months. As the bone begins to heal, the implant will start fusing into the bone and become part of your jaw. Titanium materials are used specifically because of their ability to bond with bone tissue and improve stability over time compared to other options. Following any oral surgery, aftercare is essential in the healing process. 


Side effects following surgery are expected. Over the first 24 hours, you might experience a nominal amount of bleeding from the site, some pain or discomfort, and most likely some swelling and bruising. Because we administer a local anesthetic for all procedures, you might still feel numb even if you have opted for general anesthesia. This numbness will wear off between six and 12 hours post-op. While your mouth is numb, be careful not to bite down on your tongue, cheek, or surgical site. It’s important to take pain medications and follow aftercare instructions as directed by Dr. Davis. 


Tips for Managing Pain and Discomfort


Pain management is one concern of many patients. Dr. Davis will prescribe pain medications following your procedure to help subside discomfort. Always follow specific instructions from your doctor when taking prescription medications. Reduce swelling with ice packs. Wrap the ice pack in a cloth to protect your skin from the cold. If you are experiencing significant bleeding, bite down on a piece of gauze for 30 minutes to help create a blood clot. Be sure to eat soft foods like yogurt, mashed potatoes, or apple sauce. Avoid smoking before your procedure and especially during recovery. 


Oral Care and Hygiene During Recovery 


Your implants and the surrounding area are highly susceptible to infection, and it’s essential to care for your implants during recovery and the entire lifespan of your implant. It’s vital to keep your mouth clean during your recovery. Maintaining oral hygiene during recovery can prevent infections and ensure successful implant integration. 


Your gums will be extra sensitive to brushing and flossing. Invest in a soft-bristled toothbrush and avoid heavy brushing near the implant site. Rinse the area thoroughly and regularly with salt water to help eliminate any possibility of infection. Avoid activities that could crack or damage your new implants, such as chewing on hard candies or ice or opening bottles with your teeth. The failure rate of implants is typically very low, but there is a direct correlation between smoking and tobacco use and dental implant failure. If you smoke, quitting before your procedure will boost your chances of a successful implant and smooth recovery. 


Follow Up Appointments and Care 


As discussed, taking extra care when brushing and flossing after getting implants is essential. Increase your oral hygiene habits following any treatment. If Dr. Davis requires follow-up visits, be sure to put them on the calendar and take any advice he has seriously to ensure a smooth route to recovery. Remember to stick to the aftercare instructions that we give you and discuss any concerns with our office. Once recovered, be sure to implement new practices when maintaining oral hygiene. 


It’s important to discuss any significant discomfort with your Oral Surgeon following your procedure. Be aware of the signs of infection, including fever, unusual drainage, or redness around the site. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, contact us immediately. If you feel concerned about a specific element of recovery, contact the Oral and Facial Surgery Institute for additional tips on caring for your new implants. 

Why is it Important to Replace Missing Teeth?

Missing teeth can be harmful to your oral health. After losing a tooth or multiple teeth, your remaining teeth will shift to fill the gap left behind, and your body will absorb bone tissue in the jaw to be used elsewhere. An implant might be necessary to prevent bone loss and misalignment of teeth. The Oral & Facial Surgery Institute team is well-versed in replacing teeth and has multiple procedures available to you. 


Prevent Loss of Bone Tissue


After losing a tooth, bone loss can begin just six months following the loss. Over time the bone loss can cause facial sinkage altering your face shape. The sinkage is caused by the chewing force no longer stimulating the jawbone. This results in your body absorbing the tissue in your bone to be used elsewhere, which is called reabsorption. Bone loss and tissue loss can increase the risk of losing other teeth. Implants are artificial teeth, with the implant or ‘screw’ being the new ‘root.’ The new implant will prevent any further bone loss. 


If you have experienced bone loss and have been told you are ineligible to receive implants, reach out to our office for a better solution that might fit your situation called Teeth in a Day. Contact Dr. Davis at the Oral and Facial Surgery Institute for a Teeth in a Day consultation! In this procedure, we will completely replace your smile in just one day with four implants to hold your dentures securely in your mouth.


Keep your Bite Even 


Your teeth will naturally shift to close the gap a missing tooth leaves. After your teeth have begun to move, your upper and lower arch will meet at an awkward and unnatural position, which can cause discomfort. Being uncomfortable may cause you to favor one side of your mouth when chewing. Favoring one side over another can lead to facial asymmetry, meaning your face shape will begin to change. When your teeth shift, your teeth will become misaligned or crooked. Crooked teeth are increasingly difficult to clean and maintain. Misalignment of teeth can result in cavities or further tooth loss.


Prevent Overgrowth


Gaps in the teeth cause teeth to shift horizontally, but they can also affect their growth. Opposing teeth, directly below or above missing teeth, can grow longer to fill the space between teeth. When no tooth is opposite to an existing tooth, there is no force to communicate to the jaw to maintain its position. Dental implants can be the force to tell the tooth to maintain its position. 


Retain Function 

The main functions of teeth are to bite, grind food, and help you speak. Missing a tooth can affect how you eat hard or chewy foods. Rather than opting for soft food options because of discomfort, you can expand your diet simply by replacing a missing tooth. Gaps in teeth can change how air flows through the mouth, altering speech and the pronunciation of words. In severe cases, it can cause you to develop a speech impediment. 


Improve Visual Smile


Having a friendly smile has been proven to have many social, professional, and emotional benefits. You might be experiencing insecurities surrounding your missing teeth, and replacing missing teeth can improve self-esteem. As mentioned, missing teeth can cause bone loss or favor one side of your mouth when chewing and cause facial asymmetry. Replacing missing teeth can improve your self-esteem, making you more excited to show off your smile! 


Schedule a Consultation


Missing teeth can affect not only your oral health but your mental health as well. When missing, your remaining teeth will naturally shift or overgrow to fill the gap. When teeth shift, they can cause misalignment and crooked teeth making you more susceptible to cavities and further tooth loss. Bone deterioration can begin as soon as six months after losing a tooth. Restoring your smile can relieve pain, and you start eating your favorite foods again. If you are experiencing tooth loss or any discomfort surrounding it, it might be time to weigh your options for replacing teeth. 


Dr. Davis and his incredible staff are willing to direct your journey to a new smile. Replacing missing teeth can be a simple procedure at the Oral & Facial Surgery Institute with the Teeth in a Day program. 


The Benefits of Oral Surgery for Improving Oral Health

Smiling is an essential part of our expression. We express joy and happiness through a smile, which is vital in communication. Smiling is considered an icebreaker to connect and start a conversation. A bright smile can make you more confident and enhance your personality. 

If you feel underconfident about your smile, oral surgery can help you out. Continue reading to learn the miraculous benefits of oral surgery. 

What is Oral Surgery?

Oral surgery is a broad term used to describe procedures performed on your jaw, teeth, gum grafts, or any facial or oral structures by a maxillofacial, oral surgeon, or periodontist. Oral surgeries include procedures such as 

  • Jaw surgery
  • Dental bone grafting
  • Tooth extraction
  • Gum bone grafting
  • Obstructive sleep apnea treatment
  • Cleft palate and lip repair

Oral surgery has many benefits if done right by an experienced oral surgeon. Here’s how it can help you achieve a perfect smile.

Benefits of Oral Surgery

Permanent Solution To Your Oral Problems

When you miss one of your teeth and want to replace it with another one, you have 2 choices one is in which you go for temporary solutions such as a bridge or permanent solutions like dental implants.

When you go for a bridge, you ignore the gum, which can further lead to gum infections or need proper maintenance. In dental implants, your gums are involved too. It is a surgical procedure in which an artificial tooth is implanted which is more solid and long-lasting and can easily last long.

Restore Smile and Minimize Permanent Damage

Mandibular bone and maxillary jaw issues are the most common dental issues that worsen over time. It can further contribute to tooth loss if not addressed promptly. It can be treated using various procedures, but bone grafting techniques like L-PRF allow professionals to successfully address the bone issue before it worsens and impairs your smile. Surgical procedures like bone grafting or tissue grafts can help restore the missing tissue and repair the damaged bones. 

Address the Underlying Problems

Oral surgeries effectively treat the underlying cause of the problem to help you get rid of the problem. They help timely detect and prevent any dental problems from worsening. For example, suppose a person has problems chewing, speaking, and breathing problems because of a misaligned jaw. In that case, jaw surgery, also known as jaw alignment orthognathic surgery, can help eliminate the issue. 

Helps Restore Positive Self-Esteem

A bright smile and oral hygiene will help you be confident and enhance your self-esteem. When talking with someone, you no longer have to worry about your uneven, crooked teeth. 

Saves From Tooth Loss

Timely checkups and guidance from a dentist will help your smile last long as you can easily avoid any problem which can result in losing your tooth. When done on time and correctly, oral surgeries like dental implants can help prevent infections and further problems. 

Brings Back Your Smile

Smiling is one of the first things a person notices in your appearance. Conditions like missing teeth, cleft palate, jaw misalignment, or even a tumor on gums or lips can hugely impact your happiness and self-esteem. We don’t want to see you having your smile dimmed. 

Want to restore your bright smile? Don’t think twice and express your concerns to experts at OFSI (Oral & Facial Surgery Institute). 

3 Types of Anesthesia Used in Oral Surgery

Surgeries of any nature can be intimidating and overwhelming for most people. Even though patients are under the effects of anesthesia, the fear and anxiety can be quite troubling for them. However, when used by a trained and skilled oral surgeon, anesthesia can help the patient avoid pain to a great extent and relieve their fears.

There are mainly three types of anesthesia used in oral surgeries: local anesthesia, IV sedation, and general anesthesia. You should consult with your healthcare provider and follow certain safety measures and even after-care instructions to have a successful and safe oral surgery.

Let’s have a look at the different types of anesthesia in greater detail in this article.

Local Anesthesia

Local anesthesia is the most common type of anesthesia used in oral surgeries. It is also used for small procedures, such as cavity removal or filling. Local anesthesia is injected directly into the affected area to provide a numbing sensation, so it can be treated successfully without the patient feeling any pain.

The patient, in these cases, is always conscious during the oral surgery and will feel the pressure of the surgical instruments. Occasionally local anesthesia is combined with nitrous oxide, which the patient has to breathe in by wearing a mask over the nose.

With the combination of local anesthesia and nitrous oxide, the patient remains conscious while feeling no discomfort or pain during the surgery. Local anesthesia is widely the safest and most effective for performing minor surgeries.

Local anesthesia has little to no side effects; however, the patient can feel a little numbness in the gums, lips, and cheeks for a few hours before the procedure.

IV Sedation

IV sedation is deeper and stronger anesthesia in a medicinal form that is titrated into a person’s body through an intravenous catheter. This anesthesia type is used for shorter surgeries, but provides effective patient sedation.

The IV sedation effectively sedates and makes the patient unconscious for the surgery, so that the procedure can go smoothly. However, some patients report remembering details and conversations at the beginning and end of procedures, but have little to no memory of the surgical procedure.

General Anesthesia

General anesthesia literally puts you to sleep during the procedure. This anesthesia type also uses IV sedation but injects more profound anesthesia into the patient’s body. Patients injected with general anesthesia report having no memory of the actual procedure. 

Such patients will be unconscious during the procedure and unable to drive back home after the surgery, which is why the patient should arrange for someone to do that. General anesthesia is mostly used for intensive or longer surgical procedures such as dental implant placement, wisdom tooth removal, or any other intense oral procedure. 


Three kinds of anesthesia are generally used for oral procedures and surgeries. No such anesthesia type has severe side effects. However, it is still recommended to consult your physician regarding preparation or post-surgery care.

If you are looking for the best option to have your oral surgery without experiencing any major pain and discomfort, feel free to contact our experts at Shawn B. Davis, DMD Oral and Facial Surgery Institute, for the best solution. 

Top 3 Benefits of Dental Implants

Teeth play a significant role in enhancing a person’s self-confidence and personality in general. One would not feel comfortable while laughing or talking with broken or decayed teeth. They are an essential part of a person’s appearance and play a significant role in your dental and overall well-being. 

Suppose you are currently facing dental problems. In that case, you might be having a tough time deciding whether you should go for dentures, dental implants, root canal, or any other procedure. If you don’t know much about it, let us tell you that dental implants are a permanent solution if you lose a tooth. To help you understand it better, here are the top three benefits of having dental implants.

Dental Implants Look Like Natural Teeth

The most significant benefit of dental implants is that they appear and work like regular teeth. The fact that dental implants are fixed in your teeth and are not removable makes them a far better and more reliable option than dentures. 

Dentures are removable and cause pain and discomfort when you remove and wear them repeatedly. Dental implants are properly fixed in your jawbone, providing comfort and reliability.

You can normally talk, eat food, and continue your regular activities without fearing dental implants being displaced and causing discomfort.

Dental Implants Improve Oral Health

Losing one or more teeth can have a significant effect on your overall oral health. When you lose a tooth, your other teeth start shifting as your gums recede. The shifting of the other teeth weakens your jaw bone, causing further issues and problems for your teeth.

Replacing the empty tooth cavity with a fixed dental implant improves your oral health. It provides stability to your jaw and helps your teeth avoid getting decayed or shifting from their place.

Dental Implants are Reliable 

Dental implants are the most reliable option among all other dental solutions. Like other procedures, you do not have to visit your dentist every now and then or get a renewal done after some time for dental implants. 

If taken proper care of, dental implants last a lifetime without needing any renewal or service. You just have to take care of them just like you do for your other teeth by brushing and flossing regularly and properly. These dental implants are reliable and can last a lifetime without having you spend money on them again and again.


It is always better to pay proper attention to your dental health, and if you have lost a tooth or multiple teeth, it is best to get them treated sooner rather than later. Dental implants are the best option when it comes to reliability and peace of mind in every aspect. 

If you are considering getting a dental implant, then our expert surgeon Shawn B. Davis, DMD at Oral and Facial Surgery Institute, can do that for you. 

Important Facts on Anesthesia

If you are scheduled to have oral surgery, such as your wisdom teeth removed, or you have a child who is needing oral surgery, you may be worried about the safety of anesthesia. Learning more about the procedure is a great way to help you trust the oral surgeons and procedure. Feel safe knowing these important facts on anesthesia.

Fact 1 – Anesthesia is safe.

According to studies, oral anesthesia has shown to be very safe when administered by a trained oral surgeon in the office setting. At Oral & Facial Surgery Institute, oral surgeons are trained in all aspects of anesthesia and sedation methods, including local anesthesia, oral sedation, IV sedation, and general anesthesia. They have received training in airway management, endotracheal intubation, establishing and maintaining intravenous lines, and managing complications and emergencies that may arise during the administration of anesthesia.

Fact 2 – Anesthesia eases pain.

One of the most common reasons for the administration of anesthesia is to limit the pain felt by a patient during intensive oral surgeries. Though oral surgeons take every precaution to limit pain and damage to your mouth during surgery, some procedures require deep work into the jaw bone, tooth roots, or nerve areas. These can be sources of pain that anesthesia greatly helps with or even completely eliminates.

Fact 3 – Anesthesia eases anxiety.

If you dread having dental work done, much like the majority of the world does, anesthesia will greatly reduce your levels of anxiety and may even rid you of it completely while you are in the office. Anxiety about oral health and treatment is common, but taking the appropriate precautionary steps can alleviate your symptoms.


Hopefully these facts on anesthesia can put your mind at ease. If you have any questions or concerns about the safety or uses of anesthesia, contact Shawn B. Davis at Oral & Facial Surgery Institute, (435) 238-7083 today. We can help prepare you to have stress-free oral surgery. 

Surgical Options for Chronic Jaw Pain

Suffering from jaw pain constantly can be a horrible experience, making you feel miserable 24/7. Whether you’re working or simply resting, you will always have aching jaws. Eating can be even more painful and merely taking over the counter meds may not help. 

In cases like these, the only way to rid yourself of the pain is choosing a surgical option. Orthoganthic surgery is arguably the most common type of jaw surgery out there. The procedure is relatively straightforward and can help relieve a great deal of pain. 

Why Do People Suffer from Jaw Pain

Chronic jaw pain can happen because of numerous reasons, with jaw misalignment is arguably the biggest ones. The jaw consists of the following parts: the maxilla, upper jawbone, mandible, and lower jaw bones. 

There are three common types of jaw misalignments, which surgical procedures can help fix. They are:

Open Bite: This is when lower and upper jaws don’t meet when you close your mouth.

Under Bite: In this condition, your lower jaw sticks out too forward.

Overbite: When a maxilla protrudes above the lower jaw significantly, it is referred to as overbite. 

Mentioned below is a list of several other symptoms people with chronic jaw pain could experience. These could also indicate that you require jaw surgery.

  • Inability to clench teeth
  • Chronic pain in your jaws
  • Headaches
  • Temporomandibular, aka chronic jaw joint pain
  • Dry mouth
  • Sleep apnea
  • Not being able to bite or chew properly

What are the Most Common Surgical Options for Chronic Jaw Pain

Mandibular Osteotomy: This surgical option repairs sever underbites and other symptoms of receded lower jaws

Maxillary Osteotomy: Upper jaw surgery, which many know as maxillary osteotomy helps fix receded upper jaws. This surgical option manipulates and fixes the jaw using metal plates and screws, ensuring it is in the right place. Doctors often use this procedure for correcting, open bite, cross bite and over bite. 

Chin Surgery/Genioplasty: This surgical option is often used for fixing lower jaws that recede severely. When performing this procedure, doctors restructure your chin as well as your jaw. One of the best things about this surgical option is that patients do not have to sit through two surgeries, as it addresses both issues. 

What to Expect from Chronic Jaw Pain Surgery

Before the surgical procedure for your chronic jaw pain begins, the doctor will explain you everything that will happen. Doctors use the latest surgical procedures and technology to treat chronic jaw pain. Once your surgery is over, you might have to stay at the hospital for a day or two depending on the condition, so doctors can observe you before declaring you fit to return home.  

If you are suffering from chronic jaw pain, give us a call at (435) 220-2324. We have a team of highly competitive surgeons who will analyze your condition and suggest the best surgical option to ensure your jaw is pain free.