Who Are Good Candidates for Dental Implants?

When it comes to replacing missing teeth, it’s essential to understand the criteria that must be met to receive dental implants. Dental implants have revolutionized the field of restorative oral surgery, offering a reliable and long-lasting solution for replacing missing teeth. To ensure a successful implantation process, it’s important to consider the qualities that make an individual an ideal candidate. 


The Oral and Facial Surgery Institute is dedicated to providing transparent, effective care. Learn more about our services on our website or contact us today! 


Understanding Dental Implants


Dental implants go beyond cosmetic enhancements; they provide a functional and durable alternative to dentures or other replacement options. Composed of titanium posts and custom-made crowns, implants mimic the natural structure of teeth, offering benefits that extend beyond aesthetics. 


General Criteria for Dental Implants


Achieving success with dental implants requires a foundation of good oral heath and overall health. Healthy gums, sufficient bone density, and consideration of medical history are essential factors in determining candidacy. 


Specific Qualities of Good Candidates 


Age, commitment to oral hygiene, and psychological factors play crucial roles in identifying suitable candidates for dental implants. Even though you can’t technically be too old for dental implants, there are several age-related health factors that rule out candidacy for dental implants, including deteriorated bone density or significant gum recession


Health Conditions and Dental Implants 


Certain systemic health conditions and medications may influence candidacy. Specific conditions like diabetes and heart disease may contribute to adverse side effects or cause your body to reject the implant. Medications related to these conditions can also be a concern, specifically if you take insulin to regulate your blood sugar. 


Assessing Bone Density


Understanding the importance of sufficient bone density is vital in determining the success of dental implants. Dr. Davis will examine your bone density using X-rays, CT scans, and other imaging techniques. For an evaluation, schedule an appointment by contacting our office. 


Dental Implant Consultation Process


Schedule a Consultation: Visit our website or call our office to schedule a comprehensive consultation with Dr. Davis. 


Evaluation: Dr. Davis will use technology and other techniques to determine your candidacy for dental implants. Be sure to ask all of your questions. Our staff is happy to help you understand your condition and the impending procedure. 


Procedure: Before your appointment, check out our “New Patients” tab on our website to prepare for your upcoming surgery. 


Potential Challenges and Considerations 


While dental implants boast high success rates, it’s essential to acknowledge potential complications and risks. In some cases, dental implants may be rejected by the body. There is also potential for infection if the patient is not cared for properly following the procedure. Be sure to understand the extent of the procedure and make the best choice for your lifestyle. 




At the Oral and Facial Surgery Institute, we aim to provide the best care to each patient. Understanding the criteria for a good candidate for dental implants ensures a positive experience in our office and a successful implant procedure. Be sure to acknowledge the extent of the dental implant process and understand the after-care requirements of the procedure.

We are here to guide you to a healthier, happier smile. Dr. Davis and his talented team are here to provide a tailored treatment plan. Visit our website or connect with us on Instagram to learn more about our services and meet our team!

Pediatric Oral and Facial Surgery: When is It Necessary?

The health of a child’s smile is a critical element of their overall well-being, meaning maintaining optimal oral health is crucial from an early age. Let’s explore the vital role of Oral Surgeons in pediatric care, shed light on common concerns, signs, and symptoms, the evaluation process, and our approach to providing child-friendly care. 


Common Pediatric Oral and Facial Issues


Pediatric oral and facial issues are diverse, ranging from congenital abnormalities to facial trauma. Cleft lip and palate, impacted teeth, and accidents are among the challenges that may require surgical intervention. As parents and caregivers, understanding these conditions is fundamental for providing the best possible care for your child. 


Signs and Symptoms


Recognizing signs and symptoms early is key to addressing oral concerns in children to safeguard their development. From difficulty eating or speaking to abnormalities in facial structure, vigilant about these indicators allows for prompt intervention. 


Evaluation and Diagnosis 


Our friendly staff and welcoming environment ensure your child’s comfort while in our office. When examining a patient, Dr. Davis is very thorough, utilizing advanced imaging techniques and diagnostic tools. Technological advancements have played a significant role in providing precise diagnoses and allowing for highly specialized treatment plans. Contact us today to schedule a consultation! 


Types of Pediatric Oral and Facial Surgery


Tooth Extraction 


It may be suggested to have wisdom teeth, permanent teeth, or even baby teeth pulled if your child is experiencing crowding. Tooth extractions are often recommended for orthodontic reasons. Removing these teeth early can help with proper alignment of the jaw and improved facial structure. 




A frenectomy is a surgery to remove stra folds of soft tissue in the mouth, typically on the upper lip or under the tongue, especially for children born tongue-tied. Excess tissue in these areas can lead to speech or other problems and is often recommended for removal. 


Treatment of Injury or Trauma


As parents ourselves, we understand that accidents happen! Anything from a cut, knocked-out tooth, or a jaw fracture may require oral surgery. If you or your child experiences an emergency involving the mouth, please contact our office immediately. Our staff is always available to assist and answer your questions. 


Preparing for Pediatric Oral and Facial Surgery 


Our staff will provide guidelines for preparing your child after your evaluation with Dr. Davis. Feel free to ask questions and allow our staff to address your concerns. Understanding the preoperative process helps alleviate anxiety and contributes to a smoother experience for you and your child. 


Recovery and Follow-Up Care


The recovery process after the procedure will be carefully outlined, including follow-up appointments and ongoing care. Careful postoperative procedures ensure optimal recovery and the long-term success of the surgery. 



Pediatric oral care plays a crucial role in ensuring a child’s overall health and well-being. From addressing concerns to the procedure, Dr. Davis and his staff are here for your child’s unique needs. Recognizing signs early is vital, so schedule a consultation if you feel it’s necessary. Whether it’s a tooth extraction or trauma care, our focus is providing the best, child-friendly care possible. Trust our dedicated team to safeguard your child’s oral health. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Davis today!

How Oral Facial Surgery Can Correct Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea and oral surgery might not sound directly related, but they are. Typically oral surgery is not the first step in treating sleep apnea; however, it might be the next stop in some patients’ situations. Sleep apnea refers to any breathing interruption when a person is asleep. Interrupted breathing is taxing to the brain and body. Oral or facial surgery might be the most effective option to correct any sleep interruptions you might be experiencing. There are various procedures available to help correct sleep apnea. Dr. Davis at Utah Oral and Facial Surgery Institute can help address your concerns. Let’s better understand what’s in store when treating sleep apnea. 


What is sleep apnea?


Sleep apnea refers to any interruption that occurs during sleep. When experiencing sleep apnea, the tissues in the back of the throat collapse and block your airway while you sleep. This can happen for several seconds or up to a minute. After a minute, your brain wakes up just enough to restart breathing, and in some cases, this can happen over 500 times per night. You will never enter a deep sleep cycle if you are frequently experiencing breathing issues during the night. 


Why is it important to treat sleep apnea?


Sleep apnea can be linked to many health concerns, especially if not treated. Because you are not getting enough sleep, you are probably experiencing fatigue and sleepiness throughout the day. You might even be experiencing headaches and some irritability. Sudden drops in blood oxygen can increase blood pressure causing strain on your cardiovascular system and increasing your risk of coronary artery disease, heart attacks, heart failure, and strokes. 


Certain medications or anesthesia might relax your upper airway, but because they are sedatives, this can worsen obstructed airways. Major surgery, especially after sedation, can cause people with obstructive sleep apnea to be more prone to complications following their procedure. 


Snoring and restless sleep can cause someone sleeping next to you to be sleep-deprived because of your condition. Sleep deprivation might eventually disrupt relationships and cause partners to sleep in the other room. Don’t let sleep apnea disturb your health or personal relationships. Contact OFSI today to consult Dr. Davis regarding your obstructive sleep apnea. 


What kinds of surgeries are associated with sleep apnea?


There are various surgeries to attempt to correct sleep apnea if conservative treatments are not working for you. There are several options available to discuss further, but here are some of the procedures we recommend if you are looking for a permanent solution: 


  • Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty, or UPP
  • Nasal Surgery
  • Soft Palate Implants
  • Hyoid Advancement 
  • Tongue Surgery 
  • Jaw Surgery 
  • Tracheostomy 

Considering the health concerns sleep apnea can cause, there are plenty of reasons why you might need to get treated sooner than you think. In some cases, conservative treatments, such as an oral appliance or a CPAP machine, might not effectively treat sleep apnea. Oral surgery might be the next step in treating your sleep apnea. For many patients, oral surgery can permanently end sleep apnea and snoring. That said, consult Dr. Davis at Utah Oral and Facial Surgery Institute to determine if oral surgery is the best option for you!

Issues Caused by Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth are your third molars that typically begin to emerge between the age of 17 and 25. They can become impacted if they don’t have enough room to come in or develop normally. Neglecting to have impacted wisdom teeth removed can cause dental problems. On the other hand, some wisdom teeth are without issues, and the teeth line up with the others and don’t require removal. 

What causes the tooth to become impacted? 

A tooth may only partially emerge or never break through the gums. Whether the tooth is partially or fully impacted, the tooth can grow in a variety of directions: at an angle towards the second molar, an angle toward the back of the mouth, toward the other teeth, or essentially ‘lay down’ in the jawbone or even grow straight but become trapped in the jawbone. 

Do I have Impacted Wisdom Teeth? 

It is essential to be aware of the signs of impacted wisdom teeth. Impacted wisdom teeth don’t always present symptoms, but they can become infected and present these signs or symptoms: 

  • Unpleasant taste in your mouth 
  • Tender or bleeding gums
  • Jaw pain
  • Red or swollen gums
  • Bad breath 
  • Swelling around the jaw
  • Difficulty opening your mouth

Longterm Consequences & Complications

Impacted teeth can cause several issues in the mouth. Impacted teeth can invade space near the second molar, which increases the risk of infection. The pressure from the tooth can cause teeth to shift and require orthodontic treatment to realign your teeth. Because of the location of your wisdom teeth, they can be tough to clean; this can leave food trapped between the gum and the partially erupted tooth. 

Because a partially impacted tooth is more difficult to clean, this increases the risk of developing a painful inflammatory gum condition called pericoronitis. Cysts can also develop within the jawbone, causing damage to nerves, teeth, and the jawbone. 

Will an Impacted Tooth Fix Itself? 

The short answer is no. Impacted teeth are stuck and will not resolve on their own. Without treatment, impacted teeth will continue to cause discomfort, cavities, and gum disease. If you are experiencing any symptoms of an impacted tooth, please contact Dr. Davis at Utah Oral and Facial Surgery Institute to set up a consultation.

Maintaining Oral Implants

Caring for dental implants is not a demanding task. Obviously, some things differ from regular maintenance. Learning how to make necessary adjustments to your routines can increase the longevity and overall health of your implants. 

What are Oral Implants?

Oral Implants are put in place after losing a tooth, whether to disease or injury. The loss of a tooth can cause many issues, including rapid bone loss, speech issues, or changes to chewing patterns. These things can often cause extreme discomfort, both physically and in self-esteem. Receiving an implant can significantly improve the overall quality of life for the patient. 

After receiving an implant procedure, patients should be aware of the healing process, best practices when caring for implants, and things to avoid to protect the integrity of the implant. The longevity of the implant relies on attentive care and knowledge of the implant itself. 

Implants have three structures that make up the entire implant. The crown is the visible portion of the implant that is at risk of breaking or deteriorating over time. There are two systems below that attach to the jaw and keep the implant in line with the gums. These systems are not visible but require care, especially directly following the procedure. 


Things to Avoid 

Following the initial procedure, be sure to follow the oral hygiene instructions provided by the surgeon. The main things to avoid are smoking, using a straw, spitting, and touching the surgical site with the tongue or fingers. Following these directions can help avoid infection and prevent potentially dislodging the blood clot that has formed. 

The products you usually use may be too harsh to use on an implant. Your toothbrush bristles, if too rough, can irritate the gums around the implant, which can cause intense discomfort or pain. Consider trading your flavored (i.e., mint or cinnamon) toothpaste and mouthwash with sensitive cleaning products instead. 

Avoid certain foods such as caramel, dried fruits, hard candies, and steak. These foods can result in damage to the implant as well as the surrounding teeth. Abstaining from smoking and drinking alcohol is not only good for your overall health but is necessary for the healing process. Implants take about six months to heal. Alcohol slows down the healing process and can cause implants to take more time to heal; this should be avoided as much as possible.  


Best Practices 

Be sure to visit the dentist regularly. Receiving routine cleanings can help upkeep oral health. These visits should be scheduled twice yearly. Any signs of irritation or infection shouldn’t be taken lightly. Schedule an appointment with a dentist or surgeon as soon as possible. 

Swapping products such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, and mouthwash is extremely beneficial to the long-term health of implants. Choosing a nylon brush with gentle bristles can help avoid scratching the surface of your implants. Not flossing regularly is detrimental to oral health in general, but now that implants are present, this can cause even further damage. There is a wide range of specific types of floss for implants meant to prevent irritation. 

Caring for dental implants is not a demanding task. Some things differ from regular maintenance, but making necessary adjustments to your routines can increase the longevity and overall health of your implants. 

For other questions or concerns regarding the care of your implants, reach out to Dr. Shawn Davis at the Oral and Facial Surgery Institute here!

The Role of An Oral Surgeon in Overall Health and Wellness

Your body, especially your mouth, has germs that are harmless like other parts of the body. However, some of these bacteria can spread disease as your mouth enters your respiratory and digestive systems.

The body’s natural defense system keeps in check the bacteria in your mouth. Bacteria may build up with bad hygiene habits and can cause oral infections, including gum disease and tooth decay.

What is the Role of an Oral Surgeon in Your Overall Health and Wellness

Oral surgeons are the medical professionals in charge of preserving the health of the orofacial region and the anatomy and function of the mouth.

In addition to providing dental care, dentists are expected to emphasize and integrate the link between oral and systemic disease as a factor in their patient’s overall health and quality of life. They must acknowledge and emphasize their contributions to mental health as oral surgeons.

Specialized Treatment

Oral surgeons perform various procedures than only extracting your tooth. Oral surgeons are dental specialists who have undergone further training to provide specialty treatments, including dental implant surgery, corrective jaw surgery, and manage anesthesia. Their training mainly includes the body’s face, mouth, and jaw areas.

Provide Guidance

Oral surgeons are dental health practitioners. Their duties include instructing and counseling patients on oral health issues, they provide restorative and preventative care, and managing several oral disorders affecting the teeth, gums, and mouth as a whole.

Detailed Examinations

The general responsibilities of an oral surgeon also include performing examinations. They conduct an in-depth analysis of the head, neck, and soft and hard tissues of the mouth, taking radiographs, diagnosing dental disease, developing treatment plans, coordinating with specialists, maintaining clinical records, and often participating in the operation procedure.

Oral Pathology

Oral pathology is a specialty of oral surgeons that is useful in diagnosing various oral disorders. They help with the diagnosis and choose the best course of action. They might perform a biopsy on affected tissues or review x-rays and other imaging for a detailed analysis.

How Can You Protect Your Oral Health?

You can protect your health by practicing good oral hygiene. The following are the best oral health practices:

  • Spend two minutes brushing your teeth with fluoride toothpaste and a soft-bristled brush at least twice daily.
  • Always floss and after brushing and flossing, use mouthwash to remove food particles in your mouth.
  • Eat healthy food and avoid sugary food and beverages.
  • Replace your toothbrush after every three to four months and visit your oral surgeon for cleanings and checkups.
  • Avoid using tobacco.

Importance of Oral Health for Maintaining a Positive Lifestyle

You should maintain proper dental hygiene to live a healthy, happy life. You’ll feel confident and empowered when you take control of your health. Preventative care can help you save time, money, and stress, just like it does with any medical procedure.

Restore your beautiful smile and discuss your concerns with our experts at Oral & Facial Surgery Institute.

4 Tips on Soothing Tooth Extraction Pain

Getting a tooth extracted is sometimes an inevitable part of life and your journey to keeping your oral health in the state you need it to be in. Unfortunately, most surgeries do come with a small amount of discomfort while your body works to repair the surgical site. When it comes to teeth extractions, you may have a tender side of your face for a couple of days following the procedure. In that case, here are 4 tips on soothing tooth extraction pain. 

Tip 1: Use Tooth Extraction Prescribed Medications

Pain meds may be your best friend after getting a tooth extracted. Not only can your prescribed medications help alleviate your pain symptoms, they also can work to minimize inflammation and swelling, making your mouth less sore and heal more quickly. This can help you sleep well by makine the surgical side of your face less painful to the touch.

Tip 2: Use a cold pack or heating pad to soothe pain.

A cold pack is good for reducing swelling and numbing the painful area. A heating pack on the other hand won’t serve a purpose in reducing swelling, however many have reported that the warmth helps soothe the sore area and can aid in your night of sleeping.

Tip 3: Elevate yourself when in bed.

Elevation is a long-used trick in the medical field to reduce blood rushing to or filling an area of the body. Working the same as elevating your feet does, keeping your head elevated will prevent too much blood from rushing to the surgical site causing swelling and unnecessary discomfort. 

Tip 4: Ask your surgeon for their expert recommendations.

Oral surgeons are trained professionals with years of tooth extraction experience and your surgeon may have specialty tips or tricks to help you rest after your procedure. Be sure to ask them before your extraction what they would recommend.


There are many options you can utilize to lessen the pain after you have a tooth extracted. As with any oral surgery, listen to the instructions of your surgeon. Call Shawn B. Davis at Oral & Facial Surgery Institute to answer your questions about tooth extraction. Call (435) 238-7083 now.

TMJ Treatment and Why You Need It

TMJ Treatment and Why You Need It

The temporomandibular joint connects your skull to your jaw. If it suffers damage or injury, it can result in severe discomfort in your teeth and the part where your face connects with your jaw. This pain and discomfort is temporomandibular joint syndrome or disorder. The pain originates from the nerves and muscles of the jaw that suffer damage due to injuries to the skull or jaw or both.

Once the temporomandibular joint suffers damage, it can inflame. This inflammation leads to serious pain after a short time when you use your jaw to chew, bite, crackle, or click. Further, you may also experience intense headaches and migraines in this condition that can progress with time if you leave the condition untreated. Dislocation of the temporomandibular joint is possible depending on the intensity of the damage.

What are TMJ Treatments?

Let’s discuss the different treatment options for TMJ.

Home Remedies

Home remedies include avoiding stressing your jaw or skull, which means talking less for some time, so your jaw doesn’t have to move. Further, you can use ice for the swelling on the face while eating soft foods to reduce any bruising that may occur. Jaw exercises can help regain movement. Avoiding hard food items and sleeping in the most comfortable position to avoid stress on your jaw also helps.


If symptoms progress or stay persistent even after home remedies, your doctor may prescribe medications according to your needs. The medication they will prescribe can help you with numerous aspects of the disorder, such as swelling, pain, muscle inflammation, and more. Additionally, the doctor may suggest taking talk therapy to reduce stress.


TMJ disorder treatment surgeries are common and have a high success rate of nearly 80 to 90 percent. Your doctor will decide whether you require surgery or not in any case. The most common TMJ treatment surgeries include:

  • Joint Replacement (temporomandibular)
  • Corrective Dental Procedures for improving teeth alignment and bite
  • Arthrocentesis for removing any buildup of debris or fluid in the joint

What are the Benefits of TMJ Treatment?

You should get treatment for your TMJ disorder to alleviate the pain that you feel when you perform normal activities like chewing, biting, and more. For a healthy life, it is best to address all medical concerns as soon as they arise. Here are some of the main benefits of getting TMJ treatment:

  • Ability to enjoy meals again
  • Lower pain in the jaw and skull
  • Improvement in health
  • Better mood and thus the quality of life
  • Improved ear health
  • Lower risk of growing dental concern


The cause of TMJ plays a major part in the type of treatment that you will get. While many people have to reach out to an experienced professional, you can also find relief through home remedies. If you think that your TMJ disorder is progressing or becoming more painful, contact the Oral & Facial Surgery Institute. Our expert Dr. Davis holds extensive experience in addressing painful jaw conditions and disorders. Call us at (435) 220-2324 to set an appointment today. Visit our official website for more information.

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How Dental Implants Can Help You Love Your Smile Again

How Dental Implants Can Help You Love Your Smile Again

Your smile is one of the most beautiful features of your personality. Wearing a gleaming smile every day makes you look gorgeous. On the other hand, certain dental issues, such as misaligned or crooked teeth, can make you self-conscious. Dental health is an important issue that many people seem to ignore.


What, how, and when you intake affects your dental health to a great degree. Therefore, maintaining good oral hygiene is not enough when it comes to overall dental care. Dental implants play an essential role in your overall oral healthcare. While it may offer a natural look and a beautiful smile, it also has several other health outcomes that can make your life easier.

What are the Benefits of Dental Implants?

Dental implants are surgical components that are interfaces for dental prostheses, including dentures, crowns, facial prostheses, or bridges. They integrate with the bone of the jaw or skull to support the overall dental structure.

In simple words, they are an orthodontic anchor for maintaining the aesthetics of your teeth while making your smile beautiful. Here’s what makes them so beneficial for your health and dental aesthetics.


It is possible to replace a missing tooth with a dental crown bridge or even conventional dentures. While they are suitable methods to maintain the aesthetics, you might not get any support for your teeth roots. Overall, it means that you will lack support for your deteriorating jawbone.

Dental implants provide stability and support for your jawbone structure by holding the root of the teeth underneath in place. This means that you will achieve your beautiful smile with the same natural looks while having integrity and support in your jawbone structure. Besides, it helps in maintaining a consistent bite force. 

Natural Teeth Look

Dental implants, while artificial, don’t look anything less than the natural teeth on their own. In fact, they come in the right shades and sizes to fit the mouth perfectly. With teeth and implants that match the shade of your teeth, no one can tell the difference between the natural tooth and the artificial one.

Smile Aesthetics

Do you become self-conscious when you smile in public? Is it because of the missing teeth that you have? Well, dental implants are the solution to your problems because instead of going through the individual process for each of the missing teeth, dental implants can help you restore the natural look of your teeth. You can easily replace your missing teeth with crowns, bridges, and so on. In no time, you will have your healthy smile back.


Looking for the right oral surgeon to carry out the dental implants for your oral healthcare needs? Look no further because at Oral & Facial Surgery Institute, Dr. Shawn B. Davis, DMD, an expert in many different dental procedures, provides the best care.

Give us a call at (435) 740- 8296 to schedule a meeting today. Visit our official website to learn more about our services and excellent customer support.

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Top Tips to Finding the Best Oral Surgeon

Top Tips to Finding the Best Oral Surgeon

Finding the right oral surgeon is of paramount importance because the level of expertise an oral surgeon delivers in their dental care determines your level of oral health. However, finding the right oral surgeon can become a tricky task when you don’t know which qualities to look for.

For that simple reason, we have compiled a shortlist of the most important qualities to look for when choosing the top oral surgeon for you. Take a look and learn what qualities matter the most to ensure good oral health.

Tips to Finding the Best Oral Surgeon


  • Primary Healthcare Provider’s Recommendation

Before we discuss the qualities of the best oral surgeon, here are some suggestions in your daily healthcare that can provide quick solutions to your oral health problems. If you are thinking about the primary healthcare providers, you are on the right track.

Learning, practicing, and operating among an extensive network of healthcare providers, your primary healthcare physician or doctor might have some great suggestions for you when it comes to oral care. They might recommend one of the top oral surgeons if you have a dental issue that requires surgical intervention. Hence, it could be a great time-saver for you.

  • Training and Practice Experience

Inquire regarding the experience of your chosen oral surgeon. Learning how long they have been in practice increases your chances of receiving exemplary and successful treatments. With higher experience, you are sure to receive many solutions for your oral problems. 

Aside from that, experience breeds expertise. Hence, you will be at greater peace of mind during complex treatment procedures rather than worrying about what could go wrong.

  • Surgeon’s Specialty

A doctor’s specialty is a must. It allows you to judge their passion and determine whether they fit your medical needs. Moreover, an oral surgeon who also specializes in facial surgeries is a plus as then you can avail of two different types of medical care at the same institute.

  • Testimonials

A good oral surgeon will always have positive feedback. Even single negative feedback or bad oral treatment experience can hurt the reputation of the oral surgeon and your confidence in receiving their services.

  • Insurance

Finding an oral healthcare institute that accepts your dental and medical insurance plans as payments is a great convenience. Of course, you don’t want to end up in-office, getting treatments, and realizing that you have to pay from your pocket. 

Check the payment options and learn if one of them suits your financial requirements and benefits in getting oral treatments and care.


Looking to leave the tiresome search hassle behind? Well, for your oral and facial healthcare needs, you don’t have to look any further. The Oral & Facial Surgery Institute is one of the best health institutes in Southern Utah. Moreover, Dr. Shawn B. Davis, DMD, is a top facial and oral surgeon with immaculate experience. 

So rest assured, you will be able to receive the best oral healthcare solutions from Dr. Shawn. Give us a call at (435) 220-2095 to set a meeting today. Visit our official website for more info.

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