Common Myths About Dental Implants

Common Myths About Dental Implants

People are living longer than ever, and while regular brushing, flossing, and checkups allow many of us to maintain our natural smiles for a lifetime, sometimes our teeth just can’t keep up. If you’ve lost a tooth (or a few teeth) due to injury or disease, dental implants can rejuvenate both your smile and your oral health.

An implant is a synthetic tooth root in the shape of a post that is surgically placed into the jawbone. The “root” is usually made of titanium: the same material used in many replacement hips and knees, and a metal that is well-suited to pairing with human bone. A replacement tooth is then fixed to the post. The tooth can be either permanently attached or removable. Permanent teeth are more stable and feel more like natural teeth.

There are a few popular myths surrounding dental implants that may make some people uneasy about the procedure. We’re here to help you feel confident about getting your smile back!

Dental Implants Don’t Look Like Your Natural Teeth

Dental implants not only look more natural but feel and act more like normal teeth, with a stronger biting force. And because they don’t directly rely on neighboring teeth for support, implants don’t compromise the health of your natural teeth.

Dental Implants Require Special Care

Consider your replacement teeth to be the same as natural teeth. They require the same daily brushing and flossing, and the same amount of regular checkups. Just like your natural teeth, the better you take care of your replacements, the longer they will last.

Dental Implant Surgery Is Painful

One of our main goals is to provide you with a surgical experience that is as comfortable as it is effective. That’s why we offer several methods of sedation. Our oral surgeons will work with you to decide on a personalized sedation plan that will give you the care you need while ensuring your comfort and safety every step of the way.

Dental Implants Take Forever to Heal

Healing time is actually short. We provide you with an outline for recovery so you’re on your way to a speedy recovery.

Dental Implants Aren’t Worth the Price

With a nearly 100% success rate, this permanent option is here to stay. Say “goodbye” to those temporary options that you had to replace and adjust, like dentures, bridges and crowns. Dental implants are here to provide you with a long-lasting smile. If you take good care of them, implants have the potential to last longer than 18 years! We say that’s worth it.

Keep in mind the ideal candidate for dental implants is a non-smoker who has good oral health, including a sufficient amount of bone in the jaw, and healthy gums with no sign of gum disease.

Have more questions? Don’t hesitate to call! We would be happy to schedule a consultation for you.



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