Is Flossing Everyday Necessary?

Teeth are a crucial aspect of one’s smile and appearance, and it greatly affects one’s self-esteem if not in the correct shape. If you experience yellowish or dirty teeth, perhaps your dentist has advised you to brush them more frequently, but that is not just about it.  In such cases, regular flossing should be a key component of your oral hygiene regimen. It is a requirement for everybody and is very beneficial to have clean white teeth and maintain your dental health. So, is flossing everyday necessary? We have the answers!

How Plaque Forms?

Food crumbs enter your teeth as you chew and get stuck between them. When this occurs, plaque begins to form. Plaque is a material that gets stuck in the teeth and can cause gum disease and tooth decay. In addition to being painful, gum disease and dental decay can both result in tooth loss. 

Plaque is created if the combination of acids, bacteria, and carbohydrates is not brushed often. Without flossing, plaque can accumulate at the gum line and between teeth, which can cause cavities and tooth rot. Plaque that has accumulated at the gum line has the opportunity to harden and turn into tartar; this creates a larger chance of you developing gum disease if you already have tartar.

Consistent flossing can remove food stuck in your teeth, preventing plaque from forming on the teeth. The plaque that is already present can also be removed by regular flossing. Thus, dental decay and the cavities that result from it can be avoided. 

Can Gum Diseases Occur Due to Plaque?

Gingivitis can develop when plaque and tartar begin to build up on the teeth near the gumline. This is an initial stage of gum disease as it causes inflammation in your gums. Another indication that you suffer from gingivitis is bleeding when you clean or floss your teeth. Without medical intervention, this condition can eventually develop into periodontitis.

Periodontitis is a disease that can become very severe and dangerous. Due to this disorder, your gums may back away from or recede from the teeth. This could result in the joints losing some support, causing teeth to lose. Periodontitis might have even more detrimental implications if it persists. Your entire body may respond to it by becoming inflamed as time passes.

Why Is It Necessary to Floss every day?

Is it acceptable to floss occasionally? As a simple answer, no. Flossing ought to be done frequently rather than every day. Good flossing is easy to learn, and it doesn’t take much. It’s a fantastic approach to improving your general health and dental care. Everybody should wash their teeth twice a day for two minutes and floss at least once daily, according to the American Dental Association. You can incorporate flossing into either your nightly or morning dental hygiene routine.

It is advised that you floss before brushing. If you don’t clean your teeth after flossing, food particles previously stuck to your teeth and in your mouth will remain there. Although two or three times a day can be even more beneficial, flossing at least once a day should be mandatory. The optimal time to floss is just after each meal, but as long as you do it daily, you may maintain a healthy mouth, teeth, and gums.


Regular flossing is essential to maintain oral health, as plaque and tartar can even lead to many health issues and can greatly affect overall health. If you need or are looking for the best dental intervention to enhance your oral health, contact our experts at the Shawn B. Davis, DMD Oral & Facial Surgery Institute, for the best services around you. 

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