How To Take Care Of Your Dental Implants

We all know that losing a tooth can be a little frightening. Luckily with today’s technology, a dental implant is the closest thing to a natural tooth. Just like with any surgery there can be complications or in this case “failed” implants. Taking proper care of your implants post-surgery is essential for proper healing.


Soft Foods

Following surgery, you will want to avoid chewing on the side of the mouth that the implant is on. If you happen to have multiple implants in different areas of the mouth, you will want to stick to a soft diet for a minimum of two weeks.


Foods such as yogurt, smoothies, mashed potatoes, cottage cheese, and most pastas are good options for post-operative care.


Micromovement is critical to avoid during the healing process. It can be caused by a variety of things such as chewing directly on the implant and aggressive brushing.


Good Oral Hygiene

Contamination and bacteria can cause your implant to fail. Keeping it clean is very important. Right after implant placement, your surgeon will prescribe you with an oral rinse that has antibacterial properties. You will want to clean it twice a day by dipping a q-tip into the oral rinse and cleaning around the implant and gums.


Once you get the okay from your doctor, you can start lightly brushing the implant with your toothbrush. You will want to wait a couple of weeks to do so due to tenderness.


Take an Antibiotic

While infection risk is low if the implants are properly taken care of, taking an antibiotic after surgery will help further prevent any type of infection.


Please recognize that antibiotics can interfere with other types of medications. Ask Dr. Davis if you have any questions on conflicting medications.


Limit Physical Activity

You will want to limit your physical activity for the first few days to avoid any type of bleeding or throbbing.


Dental implants are a phenomenal choice for tooth restoration. Consider implants the same thing as your natural tooth, they require the same amount of brushing and flossing as well as regular check-ups.


Call us at the Oral and Facial Surgery Institute to schedule your consultation to see if you would be a good candidate for dental implants! (435) 220-3101

How Long Do Dental Implants Last?

If you’re considering dental implants as part of your treatment options, you’ll want the right information to help you make an educated decision about this potential investment. At the Oral & Facial Surgery Institute in St. George, Utah, we’re your dental implant experts. Let us help you decide if dental implants will be right for you.


How Long Do Dental Implants Last?


Dental implants are amongst the most permanent solution to missing teeth and they can last anywhere from 15 to 25 years with proper care. The actual amount of time each implant lasts varies from patient to patient, but in most cases, the implant will last as long as your jaw bone will allow it. 


How Do You Make Dental Implants Last Longer?


Once you receive your first dental implant, it is absolutely vital to make oral hygiene a priority. Regular brushing and flossing habits, as well as visits to your dentist, will all aid in allowing your implants to last as long as possible. Some patients mistakenly think that because they have an implant, they don’t need to take care of their teeth as much, that is not the case.


Proper oral care will help to eliminate plaque and tartar build-up and debris from your mouth. A mouth with poor oral hygiene may not be suitable for dental implants due to issues with gum disease and the amount of jaw bone available in your mouth. In short, keep your mouth clean and your implants will last for years to come.


Problems That Can Threaten the Lifespan of Your Dental Implants


Not only should you take great care of your dental implants, but you should also try to avoid biting down hard on certain foods. Your implant is as strong as a natural tooth, so you should still be careful and aware that extremely hard foods could crack the cap of your implant. 


It is also important to understand that anything that could affect the strength and integrity of your jaw bone, could lead to a less effective dental implant. Possible issues could include injuries, disease, and infections. 


Getting a Good Start With Dental Implants


At the Oral & Facial Surgery Institute, we have extensive experience with dental implants so you can get a great start! Implants involve several steps to complete and Dr. Davis will carefully guide you through each step of the process.


Call us today to get the best care possible when it comes to dental implants. (435) 628-1100


What You Need to Know About Dry Mouth

Everyone has experienced dry mouth before, but what do you do when you’ve experienced for more than just a few hours at a time? We’ve compiled everything you need to know about dry mouth and how you can get the help you need to treat it. 


What causes dry mouth?

The exact origin of dry mouth varies from patient to patient, but here are a few common causes for dry mouth.

  • Side effects of the medicine
    • Certain medications can cause dry mouth as a side effect. Medicine for depression and high blood pressure are amongst some of the prescriptions that cause dry mouth.
  • Infection
    • Certain diseases and infections can affect the amount of saliva produced. HIV/AIDS, diabetes and Parkinson’s disease can all cause dry mouth.
  • Radiation
    • Radiation that occurs during cancer treatment can be a common cause for dry mouth.
  • Nerve damage
    • Damaged nerves that are connected to the salivary glands may produce less saliva and cause dry mouth.


What are the common symptoms of dry mouth?

  • A sticky, dry feeling in the mouth
  • A burning feeling in the  mouth
  • A dry feeling in the throat
  • Cracked lips
  • Mouth sores
  • A dry tongue
  • Trouble chewing, swallowing, tasting or speaking

What can be done about dry mouth?

There are several causes for dry mouth which means there are several treatments as well. If you suffer from dry mouth, contact the Oral & Facial Surgery Institute today to help determine the cause.

  • If your dry mouth is being caused by your medicine, your doctor will be able to help change your prescription or adjust your dosage
  • If your glands are not functioning properly but still producing some saliva, your doctor may give you medicine that will help your salivary glands work more effectively
  • If neither of those options works, your doctor might suggest the usage of artificial saliva


How do you treat dry mouth?

  • Sip water often.
  • Avoid liquids with caffeine, such as tea, coffee, and some sodas. Caffeine is known to dry out the mouth.
  • Don’t drink alcohol or use tobacco.
  • Use a humidifier at night.
  • Chew sugarless gum or suck on sugarless candy to help stimulate saliva flow.