What to Do About Your Sleep Apnea?

OSA stands for Obstructive Sleep Apnea. In this medical condition, an individual experiences a disruptive sleeping pattern due to not getting enough oxygen. The tongue reaches the back of the throat when OSA occurs, which blocks the upper airway. This stops the airflow, causing the individual to wake up, gasping for breath. It is a misconception that sleep apnea is similar to snoring because repeatedly experiencing low oxygen levels during sleep can lead to other severe health issues. This includes cardiovascular problems, memory loss, a poor immune system, and various mental health disorders.

While treatments are available in the form of devices and surgery, a few changes in lifestyle can also help people overcome the condition and improve their sleep quality.


Traditional medical treatments include using a nasal CPAP mask at night. This ensures that the right levels of oxygen pass through the mask to reduce obstruction when you sleep at night. Another is the uvulo-palato-pharyngoplasty or UPPP procedure. In this treatment, a surgeon operates on the back of the throat. While it is effective; people are often uncomfortable with the idea of wearing a mask or opting for surgery. In this article, we have put together a few remedies that work when it comes to reducing the effects of sleep apnea.

Ideal weight

If there is one thing that doctors recommend right away, it is maintaining an ideal weight. In many cases, obesity is the root cause of this condition, especially if you have high upper body weight. It narrows the nasal passages and blocks the airflow. As a result, it disrupts the breathing cycle for a long time. A healthy weight helps keep the airways clear, thereby reducing the occurrence of sleep apnea.


A regular workout routine can help maintain and regulate your energy levels and strengthen your respiratory system. Considering that sleep apnea is the result of decreased oxygen levels, practicing yoga can be of great help here.

Yoga consists of a variety of breathing exercises that can help immensely in improving the level of oxygen within your body. Once they improve, you get to enjoy an interrupted sleep.

Bhramari pranayama, 3-part breathing or Buteyko breathing are a few yoga breathing exercises that one can perform to reduce the symptoms and occurrence of sleep apnea.

Limit your alcohol consumption

If you commonly engage in drinking alcohol or smoking, consider giving up on these unhealthy habits. Making healthier lifestyle choices will lead to a significant reduction in the occurrence of sleep apnea.

Are you wondering what alcohol does to your body to cause such a condition?

Well, alcohol gets in the way of the muscles that regulate your breathing. This gradually leads to inflammation of the airways, causing them to swell and eventually block. As a result, you experience snoring and troubled sleep.



If the remedies we mentioned above do not help much, you can always reach out to us and set up a consultation.