What You Need to Know About Dry Sockets

What You Need to Know About Dry Sockets

Dry sockets are often regarded as one of the most painful dental procedures that occur after a tooth extraction. Many patients report a sharp pain after their tooth is extracted, which might be a symptom of dry socket. After tooth extraction, a blood clot usually forms near the surface of the wound. However, in some instances, it doesn’t form or is dislodged, exposing the nerves. This is known as dry socket. 

Although it is painful, you can resolve it with the help of proper treatment and care. 

Risk Factors of Dry Sockets

It is not necessary that all patients develop dry socket after tooth extraction. And even dentists are unsure what causes it. But there are a few underlying risk factors that you need to take into account. They include: 

  • Smoking 
  • Drinking Alcohol
  • Chewing Tobacco
  • Poor Oral Hygiene
  • Infections and swollen gums

These factors put you at a higher risk of dry socket than others who have undergone tooth extraction. Therefore, a patient needs to take adequate precautions and follow the doctor’s instructions carefully after a tooth extraction. 

Symptoms of Tooth Extraction

There are numerous symptoms of dry socket. Some are painful, while others are less severe. Nonetheless, you should be on the lookout for these. Common symptoms include: 

  • Severe pain originating from the place of extraction
  • Visible bone appearing from where tooth was extracted
  • Foul smell and bad taste in mouth
  • Pain radiating to back of the beck and eye socket

It may take several days for the pain to develop and grow in severity. Although it is common to experience discomfort and pain after a tooth extraction, it should not prolong for extensive periods. Anyone who experiences the issue should contact their dentist as soon as possible. 

Dry Socket Treatment Options 

A dry socket is painful and thus, doctors focus on reducing the pain with the help of different treatment options. Below are a few options for you:

  1. Inside Clinic

Dentist might schedule a follow-up with the patient to manage symptoms. They might: 

  • Flush and clean the socket to remove any debris or harmful bacteria
  • Apply medications on the socket to prevent infections and other hazards
  • Prescribe pain killer drugs to cope up with the pain
  1. Home Treatment

After a dry socket is identified, a patient should look after their health at home. It involves routinely taking prescription medication and flushing the socket with a saline solution. 

Make sure to take adequate prevention methods and follow the doctor’s advice for meals and other eating habits. 

Final Thoughts 

For effective and compact treatment of dry sockets, you should approach the right professional. Before going ahead with the treatment, make sure the dentist possesses adequate certification, skills and experience to treat dry sockets. 

For best treatment, you may contact Oral & Facial Surgery Institute (OFSI). Contact us to consult an appointment right now! Phone: (435) 220-2095, Fax: (435) 673-0330

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